Get Out Of Debt

Currency from Mexico, Kenya and Latvia.  

I was recently asked to share a written testimony of how we got out of debt from a friend that will be leading a Dave Ramsey course at his church in Louisville Kentucky… 

Here’s a bit more of our getting out of debt story than I shared in that testimony.  

When we got married 3 years ago on August 23 2009 we started out our marriage with over $30,000.00 in debt.  Mostly school loans, some credit card debt and a bit of personal debt.

On December 11th 2011 we became debt free.  In 28 months, we paid off over $30,000.  Most of that was on one income, and not a large income at that.

Jess and I had intentioned ourselves to get out of debt so that we could serve the Lord more freely.  The same week we got out of debt we were asked by our current school leader to pray about the possibility of joining her in Hawaii to staff the YWAM School of Biblical Studies.  We didn’t find that to be a coincidence.

How’d we do it?  Well its certainly a miracle of God’s provision and faithfulness.  But on the tangible side…

We did our best to follow Dave Ramsey’s steps.

It took some determination and some changes in our lifestyle.  We weren’t losey gosey about it, we weren’t just paying the minimum payment on our loans.  We were throwing large chunks of money at it every month.  We sold a lot of things, things that were valuable to us, but weren’t being used.  I sold my pro cymbals, and all of my digital music recording gear.  Jess sold her trumpet.  We even ended up living with friends and family over the course of that time.

We were on a written budget, using cash.  We just went back to both of these things this month because we noticed we were spending to much.  Being back on a written budget and using cash really helps.

Engage:  Are you debt free or working on becoming debt free?  Share your story with us in the comments!

Irishgreen4everSeptember 20, 2012 - 2:29 am

The only debt I still have is my house, and it will be paid off by the end of this year!! woot-woot To do this, I have learned that I don’t need everything new or right away. I have also purposely paid more on the principal each month. I keep an account of how much I charge and pay off my credit card bills in full each month. I think having parents that were raised during the Depression helped to set my understanding and value of money. I learned from them the real value of a dollar and how to save. I learned that some things are worth waiting for and that reusing and recycling isn’t just for paper and cans.

AshleyASeptember 20, 2012 - 4:27 am

Hey, I recognize that photo! :)

theBAKERSphotographySeptember 20, 2012 - 9:24 am

:)  It took me a while to find it, it was the first critique that we didn’t put on the blog and put on facebook… good times!

jimjessbakerSeptember 20, 2012 - 9:29 am

yup!  It took me a while to find it though, it was the first critique that we moved over to facebook.  good times!

jimjessbakerSeptember 20, 2012 - 9:31 am

awesome about paying off the house soon!  complete financial freedom!  

7241599September 20, 2012 - 11:08 am

Reba and I are finishing baby step #3, a fully funded emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses. It feels great to not just be debt free but to have the cash reserves piled up in the event of an emergency. House you’re next!!!
Great story Jim.

jimjessbakerSeptember 20, 2012 - 11:11 am

awesome congrats!

Be Brief to Communicate Clearer

You have a lot of good things to say.

Don’t let those good things be lost amidst mediocre filler.   

I often write a full blog post, then before posting, delete multiple paragraphs of distracting and unnecessary information.

Ask yourself “What am I truly trying to communicate?”    

Then ruthlessly edit out anything that would distract from what you are really trying to say.  

I Struggle With Depression

This is the saddest photo of me that I could find.  This was part of my 365 project in 2008, after all my friends (one of them being Jess!) left Kona. 
Since I’ve been posting about others being vulnerable, I guess I’ll be vulnerable.  I struggle with depression.  
This past week depression has manifested itself like this.  I’m not excited about anything, I don’t look forward to anything.  My alarm goes off in the morning, and instead of doing my normal routine, I turn my alarm off and don’t care if I do any of those things or not, I don’t see the point, I’d rather go back to sleep.  I wait until the last minute to wake up.  I can’t focus in class in the morning, because I’m struggling to care.  In the afternoon, I feel like the best use of my time is taking a nap, because what other important thing do I have to do?  Then I force myself to do whatever I have to do in the evening all the while I can’t wait to go to sleep for night.  And I don’t have an appetite.  (I realize that there are many important things I could be doing, but when I’m depressed I don’t feel like doing any of them because I don’t feel at the time it’s important)  

My back is feeling better than it was.  The pain flared up a few weeks ago but it’s getting better.  The muscles are still tight and its stiff when I go from sitting to standing.  I’ve had mouth sores for a week now, the ones on my tongue are gone but the one on my lower lip is still hanging around, making talking painful and eating a nightmare.  My vision feels dull, tunnel vision, like colors and life aren’t vibrant.  I’m an introvert naturally, but depression pulls me even further inside of my shell.  And I’m grumpy.  

I’ve never been “clinically diagnosed” I don’t think I need a professional to tell me that I’m depressed, and I really don’t care to go on some prescription drug for the rest of my life.  I do understand there are chemical imbalances, but I think proper nutrition has a lot to do with that chemical imbalance.  

The past two weeks I’ve been intentional about trying to eat a lot more nutrients.  Eating clean; fruits and vegetables, not eating processed foods.  I’m still taking my fish oil and my multi vitamin.  I’m realizing more and more how I need to get control of my health.  I’m conscious of my own health as we’ve been praying for people with cancer, and I see older people walking around with ailments, I want to get do everything I can do on my part to make sure I’m healthy.  It’s certainly not easy though.  

I drank coffee this morning, hoping that it would help me push through the day, all it did was make me even more on edge and grumpy.  Caffeine is a drug, I should quit. 

This has been the most tragic season of my life.  More bad things have happened in the past 6 months than I’ve ever had happen in my life.  I’m not going to go into detail, but crazy things have happened in my family, and with my friends.   

It’s hard to share about being depressed, because it seems ridiculous.  In my head, I hear someone saying… “get over it Jim, pull yourself up by the boot straps and do what you need to do.  You live in Hawaii, don’t tell me you’re depressed.”  And there probably is some of that that I just need to push through.  Unfortunately the very things that I need to be doing that will help are the very first things to get dropped when I’m feeling under the weather.  The walks, the quiet times, the healthy eating.  Strange how depression sabotages you like that.  

Is there a stigma in Christianity that we’re not suppose to struggle with depression?  Or maybe because I’m in full time ministry I feel like I shouldn’t struggle with it.  

Engage:  Do you struggle with depression? What do you do that helps you get through the hard days?  Let us know in the comments.  

bsheepSeptember 9, 2012 - 10:31 pm

No I’ve not had depression, but my very close friends have, but I suspect it helps to keep yourself accountable to the right kind of people who are encouragers but not “quick fixer types”

CorypampaloneSeptember 10, 2012 - 2:11 am

I still struggle sometimes. Like you, I dont want to go on meds. I have been eating better, which helps. Excercise too. I keep going back to the anxiety verses in the bible and as much as I dont want to hear it when I am depressed, I try my hardest to focus and cry out to God, laying it down with him at the cross. I realize too that this continued cycle of depression is sin and unbelief but I also believe sometimes these feelings are Gods way of saying, look, im right here, and i require you to gaze at me. Because I loved you first. Now feel my peace. Hang in there man, it gets better. Praying for you.

AshleyASeptember 10, 2012 - 3:11 am

Jim, that’s great that you chose to be so vulnerable with us in this blog. I wouldn’t consider myself as one who struggles with depression, but I have felt some of the things you have described. And I find that normally once I talk to someone and get it all off my chest, the feeling starts to go away. Maybe because the person I’m having the conversation with points out all the good things (that I knew were there) and gives me encouragement, or because as I’m saying the things I’m feeling I realize that its all a lie, and one that doesn’t even add up once I really think about it. Nothing is strong, and I believe that it is the Enemy’s weapon. To push us towards doing nothing, to feeling nothing. So whenever I feel myself falling into the “nothing” mood, I try to do things that I enjoy, that stir emotion in me; even if its just listening to a song that I love. So all that to say, maybe I don’t fully understand what you’re going through; But I have my vices too, and we all have things that fight against them. You’re not alone in this. And there is hope.

Pat TomlinSeptember 10, 2012 - 3:23 am

Depression is really not fun.  I have been living with Depression ( Big D Depression as in, this has been a part of my life for years, not little d depression as in, “my pet died and I am feeling very sad)  for years, I take daily medication for it, and I make sure I have a network of understanding and supportive friends who call me out when my ability to control my mood is slipping.  I also have a counselor in a neighboring city that I can go to when I need to.  All the things you talk about are important, Nutrition, exercise, Quality time with God,all of which are essential to survival.  There is a stigma in most cultures about Depression.  I don’t care.  I will cop to having Depression, and to having struggles, and to having to take meds and whatever else.  If just ONE other Christian realizes that having screwed up brain chemistry is a result of the Fall of Man and not our own personal sin, it will be worth any sidelong glances and worried whispers about whether or not I am fit to Serve God in the capacity that I am serving Him.  This is the “thorn in my side” This is the thing that I keep asking God to take from me.  This is something that God uses in my life to show His strength in my weakness.  I hate it.  The long days of misery when I can’t get out of bed, the apathy when it comes to my job or my Calling.  or anything else.  But, This is one of the things that God uses to keep me close to Him, and to be effective in His service.  Not gonna tell you to embrace this gift.  Bleah, talk like that makes me ill and angry.  It isn’t a gift.  It is a curse from the pit of Hell that only God can work for good in my life and His kingdom. (Romans 8:28).  
You are not alone, Jim.  

Jillian WellmanSeptember 10, 2012 - 5:15 am

You know my story and how I struggled with depression in Honolulu… but grabbing a friend and saying “Hey, I’m not okay” usually did wonders.  Friends can listen, pray, encourage… and often that is enough to get you through that day.  And as far as grief depression goes… that’s a different issue.  If there has been a traumatic experience in your life recently, then sometimes it’s hard to care about other “trivial” things.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.  Sometimes you gotta get your energy up again to be able to climb out of the pit.  Just rest and let others in to help as much as you can.  It will get better.  You won’t have to make the effort to get out of bed for the rest of your life.  For me, reading the Bible helped.  But… not when I expected it to help… it wasn’t really on my timing.  But I must also say, if the depression ever goes to the point where you’re just longing for heaven and thinking of specific ways to get there quickly, then I would say you really need to talk to someone.  You’re not weak.  It takes a lot of strength to admit weakness… ironically.  Miss you and Jess and if I were there I’d take you out for a coffee (or smoothie for you healthy ones) and try to say something stupid and funny to make you laugh.  

Jeanne M JohnsonSeptember 10, 2012 - 5:49 am

Hey, Jim. I do not struggle with depression but many in my family do. I know you said you don’t want to go the medication route but sometimes that is the best thing. There are some very safe (few side effects) anti-depressants out there. We would all say that it would be silly for a diabetic to say “I’m not going to take insulin for the rest of my life.” Sometime your body just does not make what you need and the best thing is to add what is missing.

You also said that this has been a very tough year. What I immediately thought was that there is much at risk. Whenever God is preparing to do really great things Satan cranks up the chaos and the pain. Of all the things you can think of to do to make things better, draw closer to Christ. Sometimes that means just sitting in his lap and allowing him to sing over you and quiet you with his love.

Depression is a difficult thing for all of us to deal with. It is very misunderstood. More people deal with it than are willing to admit it. Those of us around a depressed person feel helpless; we don’t know what to do and often what we do doesn’t help.

Please know how much I love you and in opening yourself up to us and sharing what you are dealing with I trust that you will be surrounded by our prayers and God’s love.

SantiSeptember 10, 2012 - 5:49 am

Depression sucks. The meds aren’t fun but the right one can help. I understand not wanting to try them though. I suffer with depression and anxiety disorders. Every family in America is touched by this awful condition. You are not alone my friend.

Not by a long shot. Depression can strike can anyone anywhere even in Hawaii. Love and let yourself be loved. Jesus heals.

Love ya man!

Bboucherm1September 10, 2012 - 2:33 pm

Hey you, as your awsome sister I can tell u that I know how u feel!! I wish i was there to give u a big hug and tell u every thing will be ok. The last couple months have been rough and not having family around to share some of the grief really stinks, i am right there with u!! You just need to take one day at a time, think about what is important to u. Try to trust others around u to help u out, its ok to say ur having a bad day! I love u and am always here! Hurry home i need my brother 😉

KatSeptember 10, 2012 - 5:32 pm

I can’t thank you enough for sharing this. I definitely understand what you’re saying here as I struggle with the same crap. (For the record, I tried to think of a better word to use other than ‘crap’).

It seems that it can be affected by circumstances (bad jobs, discouragement, loss, etc.), but sometimes it just happens without any good reason. And it sucks.

Not only that, but it sucks all alone. Thank God for spouses to confide in, but I even feel stupid or selfish at times for opening up to my husband. But I have to. I know how important it is to do that.
What helps the most for me is taking my eyes off myself. Thank God for all the blessings in our lives and pray for others around us. This really helps me more than food, exercise, booze :), etc.

Blessings to you, friend. Thanks again for sharing.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:36 pm

thanks for the input Thema. Glad you haven’t had to struggled with depression :)

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:37 pm

Cory, your video today made me laugh out loud man, i should probably just watch that every day. What kind of exercise have you been doing? I need to get to the root of my depression and figure out what it’s really about. Thanks for the prayers.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:39 pm

thank you Ashley, music does help, I blasted some Relient K last night and it brought a smile to my face.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:39 pm

thank you for sharing Pat. It’s great to hear your perspective, thanks for fighting the good fight. We should catch up more, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:42 pm

thanks Jill, Jess and I were talking today and we haven’t gotten off the base as much as we used to when you were here. I seriously don’t think I’ve been to ala moana since the last time you almost pee’d your pants looking for a bathroom and then we had to get a ride home from walmart cause the bus wasn’t running anymore HAHA.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:44 pm

Jeanne, the whole medication issue is a huge issue, probably best not discussed in blog comments, but I’d love to share my thoughts via e-mail if you’d like. Or maybe I will blog about it someday… However what you said about just sitting in His lap and allowing him to sing over me and quiet me with His love is something that I was doing in the mornings, but then I hurt my back and stopped doing it. Thank you for your prayers and friendship.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:44 pm

thanks santiago, it’s healing to me that you’ve acknowledged that even depression can hit here in hawaii, sometimes I think I’m suppose to be living this dream life that I think everyone thinks I’m living because I’m in hawaii, miss you bro.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:46 pm

wow gary, there is quite a bit to digest here, I’ve read your comment a couple of times, but probably need to read it a few more. thank you for commenting though and sharing your thoughts.

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:48 pm

thanks jeannie, i miss you. I’d love a sister hug from you :)

jimjessbakerSeptember 10, 2012 - 8:48 pm

thanks for commenting Kat. crap is a good word, it seems fitting.

AndySeptember 12, 2012 - 7:06 am

Hey Bro,

You hit a chord with me here man. I do struggle with depression and absolutely hate it!! I am very blessed though by your prayers and communication. I hope my prayers for you can help! Always know there are several out there who Love you including the most important, God our Father. God Bless and I pray He gets you through this funk that I know all to well, as you know. Love you Man!!


GaryjhuettSeptember 12, 2012 - 8:05 am

I’m hearing about a lot of Christians depressed.  It is great that they can feel free to address it.  I don’t know that it has to be that way.  I am not judging by any means.  I fully respect and grieve for those who experience depression.  It is something that needs to be given more attention.   Based on my experience with depression and how God rooted it out and put in a new foundation, a lot of depression may be based on us inherently believing the lies of Satan that have been naturally and deeply rooted in our lives as we walked through the world before we had a chance to counter them.  We don’t even know they are there or how to counter them.  We may lay a cloak of Christianity over these – but that doesn’t seem to resolve or redeem them.  Not only is it the lies that plague us, but Satan also deceives us by giving us faulty, distorted skills in dealing with the lies.  Even if we recognize the lies, the means we have learned to deal with them may not work well.  God would like to deal with them, but Christianity as we often practice it does not seem to go deep enough to restore the glorious creation God put there in the first place.  We focus on ministering before we are filled to overflowing in many areas by His love deep within us.  We go off sharing the good news without first letting the good news do its work fully in us.  Satan knows if it forms deeply it will be a powerful force against him – so he will allow us to practice Christianity more so on the surface.  This sadly does not allow the joy of the Lord to form solidly deep in our soul.  We are implicitly encouraged to practice our Christianity too much on the surface with an emphasis on ministering, leaving the deep unaddressed personal issues in place.  It is sad because we practice sometimes hollow sacrifices on the outside without first taking the time to let Christ in you, the hope of glory form on the inside.  We do not give sufficient service to making the body healthy such that the joy of the Lord seeps down into the nooks and crannies of our lives, now empowering us in areas that previously under depression dragged us down.  Letting the hope of glory form and the joy of the Lord become our strength may take longer to form in the persons life (and it may take us having to love them more – rather than prepare them for the “ministry”), but it becomes a powerful deep rooted testimony to His love and power – not just external words.  It makes the whole person available to be used of the Lord, no longer letting the lies of the thief drag the person down into depression.  It also creates deep intimacy with the Lord, transitioning our self- concept to be safely hidden with Christ in God such that it is not tossed to and fro by the whims of the world, causing depression.  Been there, done that.  As He transfers our feet to stand deeply and more firmly on the rock of Christ, as depression tries to approach, you can say, “I choose not to go there,” because He has created a solid alternative.  Unfortunately, in my 40+ years of experience as a Christian, I do not know that we care enough to form this type of foundation in people.  We seem to care more about the ministry than we do about the person.  This is sad.  Jesus cared greatly about the person – because that was the ministry – redemption of the whole individual – set free to minister in His power.  This may be controversial, but I’ve dealt with too many people who have been depressed or burned out on ministry over the years to not address it as a reality – as these numerous comments posted imply.  We send out an anemic body when God wants the full glory to form and fulfill His work.

The above is not a complete description to get one out of depression.  It is a direction to explore that is often overlooked in our fervor for the gospel.  We must let the “good news” form deeply in us to truly be His glorious ambassadors.  It should not be taken casually, neglected or overlooked.  

jimjessbakerSeptember 13, 2012 - 10:24 am

amen thanks andy!

jimjessbakerSeptember 13, 2012 - 10:28 am

thanks gary for more of your thoughts! It’s great to hear your perspective on things after walking with the Lord for as long as you have.

Blistering Sunburn, an Ambulance, and a Drunk Preacher. Pt 2

A bottle a friend bought for me while travelling, I never ended up drinking any of it though.

Last week I posted about Jim who although he was covered in blisters and had been throwing up blood refused to go to the hospital.  

After I finished my conversation with him, emotionally and physically exhausted, I went and found one of my students who had been sitting on a park bench talking with a guy the whole time.  I sat down and joined in on the conversation.  The man, was gripping a bottle of alcohol.  He asked me if I was part of the church too.  Not wanting to go into a in-depth explanation of the international interdenominationl missions organization we were a part of, I simply told him, yes.  He responded, excuse my alcohol, I’m a good person, I’m a minister, I got my credentials and everything.  
I got kind of indignant and asked him why he was sitting here drinking alcohol on this park bench?  
He told me about all of the loss that had happened to him recently.  After getting his ministry credentials, his brother died, and then his mother, and that his cousin was missing.  As if it hadn’t been an emotionally wrenching night enoughI started tearing up as I told him about the recent loss that I had gone through and about the losses that our student had gone through, and even though that horrible stuff had been happening, that we weren’t sitting out here on a park bench drinking alcohol, instead we were out here on the streets so we could talk to him.  He looked at me and started tearing up too, “It’s hard man, people want answers when you’re the minister.”  He started shouting, “People want to know why these bad things happen, people want you to do something, they want you to make things right and I got nothing for them.”  I responded, “We just have to keep pointing them to Jesus man.”  “No,” he replied, “they want YOU to do something.”  The reality of ministry rang true.  
I felt that God was telling me that this guy was a soul winner.  I was fired up and just went for it.  I hate watching people who have an evident calling on their lives, live in less than what God has for them.  I again, asked him what he was doing out here on the street, drinking, I told him that He was created to be a soul winner, to win souls for Jesus.  He smiled, and my student smiled too.  My student said that Cisero had just told him that.    I asked Cisero if I could pray for him, and he said yes.  I put my hand on his shoulder.  He set the bottle of alcohol he had been gripping down next to him.  I prayed, reminding Cisero of the calling that He had on his life.  When I finished, he wanted to pray for us and we let him.  
On the ride back, my students said that they could see what a good heart Cisero had.  While yes, that is true, he isn’t walking in the fullness that God intends.  It was a great teaching moment.  I told them that we all have things in our lives that will keep us from being effective in ministry.  That the devils nature is to steal kill and destroy and that we need to identify and destroy whatever is trying to disqualify us.  

**Update on Jim – this past Tuesday Jim was not on his usual bench, word on the street was that they thought he want to the hospital.**
Engage: What is lurking in your life, that is seeking to take you out of the fight?  What is going to take to destroy it?  Pray for Jess and I that the snares in our lives would get stomped out before they destroy us.  Thoughts?  Share in the comments.  
KerrySeptember 7, 2012 - 3:05 am

I have to fight laziness every single day.  It’s like, I wake up wanting the fullness of what God has for me that day, and as soon as I finish telling him that, I feel like I’d rather just do what I want.  And it’s a struggle. 

Relb49September 7, 2012 - 4:03 am

focus on the family has an entire ministry devoted to ministering to clergy.  This man has simply and plainly told us why that is necessary.   I often lose sight of God’s love being all I need and seek approval from others.

jimjessbakerSeptember 7, 2012 - 7:28 am

yup, people in full time ministry need ministry too. praying that the never ending, all fulfilling love of God will become even more of a reality to you in this new season of your life!

jimjessbakerSeptember 7, 2012 - 7:28 am

thanks for fighting the good fight Kerry! Are you giving yourself a day of rest though as well?

Jeff StanfordSeptember 7, 2012 - 1:42 pm

Definitely fighting distractions, things that will render me useless. 

Powerful encounter.  Glad you all were there to bless him.  We all need to be lifted up in dark times.  Thanks for writing.

jimjessbakerSeptember 7, 2012 - 4:50 pm

thanks Jeff!

RKDecember 16, 2012 - 9:40 pm

Jim, did you update people letting them know Jim got an apartment and got cleaned up? He’s clean shaven now too!

jimjessbakerDecember 16, 2012 - 10:29 pm

RK, I did indeed. –> Thanks for allowing us to partner with you man!

Obedience, Public Confession, Beauty and Grace

The women praying for one of the female staff here at YWAM Honolulu

We had something beautiful happen during our monday morning worship time…

It started out with one of the leaders asking the women to come pray for one of the female staff members.  The women gathered and prayed.  

The woman that was being prayed for then wanted to share a public word of encouragement.  It was for us!  She thanked us for being here and said that after the first month of us being here she realized we had YWAM Honolulu DNA and hoped we stuck around for a while.  A couple of people said amen to that. :)  That was a nice encouragement.  

After that, something beautiful happened.  A guy in his early twenties walked forward and began to share.  He shared that God  showed him that he often hides, and needs to be transparent.  He then confessed publicly to us his addiction to sleeping pills.  The room went silent.  

The leader didn’t skip a beat, she asked anyone who ever struggled with addiction to come forward and pray for him.  Knowing full well that I have struggled with and still struggle with having an addictive personality, I went forward and we prayed.  

My back was hurting me after we had prayed for a while so I left the front and returned to my seat.  I realized there was hardly anyone in that room that wasn’t standing with this young man, praying for him, and admitting that they had struggled with or currently struggle with addiction.

It reminded me of this:
but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.  In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.  But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.  When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”  Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.  Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said.“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”– John 8:1-11

I applaud our leader for dealing with the public confession well.  There was not a call for public confession, it was just what the Holy Spirit was stirring in people.  I’m grateful for this man’s obedience, his humility in admitting his struggle.  I’m grateful for a community that also walks in humility, grace and forgiveness.  

Watching and being a part of authentic faith and biblical principals walked out in this community is what has always attracted me to YWAM.  

Engage:  Read James 5:16.  I encourage you to find a community that you can trust, and be transparent and bring things into the light.  Leave us a comment and share your story of a beautiful time of worship.    

Blistering Sunburn, an Ambulance, and a Drunk Preacher. Pt 1.

A car accident I came upon in Columbia MD in 2008.

Every Tuesday night I take a team of our students down to Waikiki to do street ministry.  There is never a dull night… 

We had just returned from our “Wilderness Wandering” camping trip.  When we headed to the van to jump in, all the students complained that they were tired, I was tired too.  I told them that we’d just take it easy this week, and instead of me dropping them off where I usually do, we would park all together and go from there.  
I went to go see Jim who is always on the same bench.  He is always pleasant to talk to, which is not always the case with everyone we run into down there.  When I came up and said hello, I noticed his legs were covered in broken blisters, and he was swollen.  His arms and hands had open sores on them too.  I kept my distance, fumbling with the hand sanitizer I had in my pocket, with which I wanted to take a bath in right there.  I asked him what happened, he responded it was sun burn, from sitting on that bench all day.  Flies were crawling all over him.  He then went on to tell me how much pain he was in and how he was throwing up blood last night.  I told him I was going to call an ambulance for him.  He insisted that I didn’t do that.  He told me someone else had already tried earlier and he told them he didn’t want help.  
I stood there and talked with him some more.  I realized that I couldn’t just walk away.  If something serious happened to this guy, I would feel responsible.  I told him that, I told him that I cared about him, and that I enjoyed seeing him every week and it was something that I looked forward to.  He was quite taken a back by that.  I think it had been a while since he heard anyone say that they cared about him.  
The ambulance came, and they checked his vitals.  They told him multiple times that he needed to go to the hospital to get checked out.  That throwing up blood and the pains in his stomach were not normal and he could have internal bleeding and that the he could die tonite.  His response, “that’s the easy way out.”  They had him sign a document saying that he refused to go, I had to sign the document too as a witness.  I stood there on the verge of tears, angered and upset.  I realized that there was NOTHING I could do to change this guys mind to actually get the help he needed.  
Like, (lee-kay \ R.K’s wife, the couple that hosts this outreach) came down and sat next to Jim.  She put her hand on top of his and talked to him for a while.  Since he was unwilling to go to the hospital, Like offered to clean out his wounds.  I stood there amazed.  Like and RK are the real deal.  They give out their cell phone numbers to the people they are ministering to in the street, they go the extra mile, and they get their hands dirty.  They are willing to get down on their knees and clean out the infected wounds of a dirty, 60 year old homeless man.  I’m really really challenged by that.  
I said goodbye to Jim and went back and found one of my students… read part 2 here.  

Engage:  Go read Deuteronomy 15:11 and let me know how you think that verse applies today.  Let us know your thoughts in the comments.  
Relb49August 27, 2012 - 10:06 am

 If more people got more personally involved with those in need, we wouldn’t need the government to provide so many needs to the poor. That there will always be poor people implies, I think, that no matter how much money you throw at some people, that will not keep them from being poor.  They need comfort and concern at least as much as money.  I hope your friend gets well and takes another shot at life.  Maybe now he knows someone is there who cares, and that will make the difference.

Cherylbaker_8_18August 27, 2012 - 10:07 am

We translate ths as “give money”, but it’s more about personal care and contact.  Like the guy that you talked to, he didn’t want you to call the ambulance but spending the time with him and caring about him was more important and meaningful to him.  When you say helping the poor so many think they need money from us but helping in shelters, clothing drives and reaching out with your heart to me is more important than any amount of money.  Money will help but it’s much more than that.

Bboucherm1August 27, 2012 - 1:16 pm

when does part 2 come?? Sounds like I should come out there and offer my sevices =)  I feel for this guy! Glad you were there to give the man some comfort!! <3 you!!

KerryAugust 27, 2012 - 1:17 pm

The physical, emotional and spiritual resources God has given you are not just for you. 

jimjessbakerAugust 27, 2012 - 1:24 pm


jimjessbakerAugust 27, 2012 - 1:25 pm

part 2 will come soon :) I’ve been telling you should come out here, there would be plenty of things for you to do :)

jimjessbakerAugust 27, 2012 - 1:25 pm

agreed! there are a million ways to help! maybe i should do a blog post on that…

jimjessbakerAugust 27, 2012 - 1:26 pm

i agree that throwing money at someone won’t make them rich. i’m hoping that i gave him some hope, i’m excited to see him tmrw.

LisaAugust 27, 2012 - 8:17 pm

Oh come on. It’s like a crazy good book having to wait to see what’s next

jimjessbakerAugust 27, 2012 - 8:27 pm


[…] RK told me that he died of a heart attack sitting on the bench that I would always go and visit him on. […]

5 Questions For Your Good Idea

Grand Opening of Charity’s Closet in Savage, MD.  

I’m a starter, I like starting things, I like dreaming big… 

I’m good at starting things, not always great at finishing.  The older I get, the better I want to finish.  

There is a lot of encouragement right now to jump in and just go with your good idea.  To not allow fear stand in your way and to not let your dream be shelved.

While I agree… I also have seen way too many good ideas die out.  Most of them dying due to a lack of good planning.  So yes, your idea is a good one, but before we jump, let’s ask ourselves these questions.  

1.  Why?  
Why is this good idea needed?  Why are we going to invest time, effort, and resources into changing something?  

2.  What is the end goal of this good idea and what steps do I need to take to achieve the desired outcome?  
If everything works out perfectly what do I want the result to be? How do we get from where we are now to where we want to be?  

3.  How do I communicate these expectations and steps to the team I will be working with?

4.  What can I learn from other people that are doing similar things?  
Are there any mistakes or road blocks that I can avoid by talking to them?  What other resources could I be learning from?

5.  If this is a one time project, how can we make sure it’s a success?  If this is an ongoing project.  How can we ensure that this project will have longevity and continue to be successful?

Engage:  What other questions should we be asking before we take the start?  Let us know in the comments.  

Who’s Responsible For Worship

A photo from Monday Morning worship here at the YWAM base.
I’ve been wanting to write a series of blog posts on worship for a while now.  I think this is as good of a starting point as any… 

My friend Phil Cunningham the other day tweeted this: 
“Thank you for leading me in worship but please don’t tell me what posture I need to take while worshipping Jesus”

I asked him to expound on what he meant, so he blogged about it.  

You can read his explanation and the comments here –>  Lead me in worship, not where to put my hands.  

I don’t have a strong opinion on what he wrote at all.  Phil is expressing how he feels and probably expressing how a lot of people feel.  

I’m both a worship leader and someone that struggles to engage in corporate worship.  The struggle is sad, and it’s no one else’s fault, but worship times used to be the one time that I felt most connected with God.

I can relate to what Phil is saying.  On a recent sunday, I got quite annoyed with the worship leaders rock concert-esque questions.  “Are you guys ready to worship?!”  He was a “younger” guy and it  made me thankful for all of the people who have been gracious to me when I was leading anything when I was his age.  I probably did similar things.  It’s tempting to want feedback when you’re on stage.  My dad always reminded me that I can’t judge what is going on inside of someone by their outward expression.  

From a worship leader perspective: I’ve sat in meetings where I’ve been berated (literally brought to tears) because of my worship style not being what others expected or were used to.  It was too dark, too heavy, not happy enough. I think it hurt a lot because it was my personal expression of worship to God.  It’s how I connected most intimately with God.  I’ve also been challenged on my use of pronouns in the songs I’ve selected.  Too much “I” and not enough “we.”  

When we come together corporately, your worship leader can’t please everyone.  So please, be gracious.  :) 

From a worshipper’s perspective:  No matter what annoyance, discomfort, stylistic preference, distraction, lack of atmosphere, sloppy powerpoint slides, poor musicianship, bad sound mix, it’s still my responsibility to use that time to give God worship.  

That DOESN’T mean that worship leaders shouldn’t be careful to serve the people they are leading and be sensitive to what God is saying and doing, and sensitive to the needs of the people.  But at the end of the day it’s not the worship leaders complete responsibility for how YOU engage in worship.  

We’re going through Leviticus right now in our SBS.  Chad Lewis’ teaching is amazing, its really opened up the book to me, things that I would have never understood or picked up on my own.  

We’re learning that tabernacle worship always COST something.  The 5 animals that were sacrificed were the currency of the day.  

What is worship going to cost you?  Don’t let your personal preference get in the way of your worship to the King of Kings.  

Enage:  Weigh in on this conversation.  What are your thoughts as worshippers and worship leaders?  List your pet peeves and favorite worship times in the comments.  
Marc Andrew ScottAugust 17, 2012 - 2:06 am

Hey Jim great thoughts!  I agree it’s up to each of us to prepare and to worship God, of course what that worship looks like will be different for everyone.  It can be a very difficult thing to “lead” worship.  Yes, worship leaders are often burdened with “results”.  Though I do agree that often “we” leaders use too much I and not enough “You”.  There was a year that while leading our community didn’t sing any songs that had I in it, a good challenge. 

But often it’s said that a good or great worship leader doesn’t have to tell you to do anything, they simply help help foster an environment for others to connect with God.  I think sometimes it’s good to try to get people to try something new I wouldn’t make it a staple to say lift your hands, shout to God, or whatever else.  Simply to ask them to engage with the team.

jonAugust 17, 2012 - 4:43 am

Good post thanks Jim.  

ThomasAugust 17, 2012 - 6:52 am

I wish there was a different word for the corperate service we do together. As i understand from scripture worship happens everyday in all that you do.(at least it should) i think one of the reasons the music service is difficult is we try to cram our everyday worship into once or twice a week corperate services and we want in that moment to be connected with God when it should be a constant. And when we dont connect with God, it then becomes the styles fault or the music, or the setting, or even the worship leader. If we all worshiped God constantly as we should, and came together for corperate praise/prayer time, which would be essentially what we concider worship, i think we’d be focused on God and less on details. Just thoughts….

JeffAugust 17, 2012 - 6:54 am

I’m with you that not liking a personal style is no reason to tune out.  I would say the reason for that is that in submitting to God in our worship we will also submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Ephesians 5:18-21 calls us to be filled with the Holy Spirit in speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and to submit to one another, and Colossians 3:16-17 expresses a parallel thought with the premise that the word of Christ dwells within us.  So, ultimately, the answer to who is responsible for worship will be Christ producing worship in us.  If our worship time together is done according to his word and with a group of Spirit filled believers, there’s going to not only be the freedom to express a personal style, but the freedom to set aside a personal style in submission to others around you.  This goes both ways.  A leader needs to submit to the needs of his fellow worshippers just as much as worshippers need to be charitable to the worship leader whose style isn’t quite their bag.  Otherwise, we’re not strengthening the church as we’re called to in 1 Corinthians 14, we’re just promoting our own interests.

Hope that doesn’t come off as too preachy, thanks for sharing your thoughts and for asking for ours.

jimjessbakerAugust 17, 2012 - 7:22 am

So good! Excellent thoughts Jeff, thanks so much for sharing!

jimjessbakerAugust 17, 2012 - 7:22 am

I agree Thomas, people would be less picky if we were “worshipping” throughout the week.

jimjessbakerAugust 17, 2012 - 7:26 am

great points! Thanks Marc!

Stephen308August 17, 2012 - 4:49 pm

I think the responsibilities of worship leaders are to be fully aware of the fact that they are not in control of the worship time and yield their will and agenda to the Holy Spirit and be fully depended on him. And as the body of Christ, we should leave room for the worship leaders to make mistakes and know that they are humans who are trying to do their best to lead us to worship. 

Liene KlavinaAugust 17, 2012 - 7:38 pm

I totally agree with Stephen308. If the focus is not Christ and heart is not prepared,then any style or something will always bother people, i now  for myself,that i couldn`t worship, if the worship leader was getting out of tune now and then, but one time i didn`t notice that,only after worship, and i knew it`s my heart not his tunes, the leader was so anointed,even tunes didn`t matter..
One other thing that get`s me confused is when in church you feel like in a concert, and also christian concert`s, where there`s sometime no difference.. i think worship should be less style,more Holy spirit , less of my voice, more my hearts voice and if the people are not engaging  with Holy spirit, then no worship leader can help them.

jimjessbakerAugust 17, 2012 - 11:34 pm

i like both these thoughts Stephen. I miss leading worship with you man. I really liked how you switched from singing in Korean to English in a bi-lingual setting. Honolulu is running a Korean DTS right now so this quarter there is translation.

jimjessbakerAugust 17, 2012 - 11:36 pm

Liene! Great to hear from you, thanks so much for commenting. I really like what you’re saying, that if our hearts aren’t prepared to worship, than we find things to be picky about.
I think there is a time and place for the expression of joyful concert like worship, but yes and amen to your comment about less style, more Holy Spiri, less voice, more of hearts voice!

Dan NAugust 31, 2012 - 12:26 pm

I’m a little bit late in commenting on this two-week old post, but since I am thinking about it… 

I’ve lately been inspired to think of worship from the perspective of an aesthetic which sees praise and worship as something that is constantly, nay, eternally happening in the heavenly realms before the throne of the Lamb (day and night the elders cry out… etc) and therefore our worship is not something that we prepare on our own, we do not contrive it or create it ex nihilo. When we worship, we participate in eternity and we join in the chorus of the angels that is already being sung day and night. Our sacrifice of praise, then, ought to befit the dignity, solemnity, joy, power, and life of the constant and eternal heavenly “leitourgia” (Greek for public service, used in the NT in the sense of prayerful, public worship; from which we get the English word ‘liturgy’). Hence there is a standard that our worship must aspire to, and it is certainly not a free-for-all. Perhaps more than praise choruses and contemporary “Christian” music, we ought to make use of those elements of the heavenly liturgy that have been revealed to us: the psalms, the hymns witnessed in heaven by the prophets. This is why even the first Christians preserved elements of the worship of the synagogues and the Temple in their liturgy: Temple worship, as revealed in Scripture, was seen as the true representation of the worship in heaven, and their perspective of worship was that we should join in, imitate, and “mystically represent the Cherubim,” as the Orthodox liturgy of St John Chrysostom says. Even the sacrificial system of the Temple finds its true content in Christian worship as it is a remembrance of the saving work of God through Christ – hence St Leo the Great called the Divine Liturgy “a great and bloodless sacrifice” each time it occurs. 

Anyways, that’s my plug for liturgical worship. And why I think Leviticus is the worship leader’s handbook, if you will. 

jimjessbakerAugust 31, 2012 - 6:12 pm

thanks for your thoughts dan, always appreciated!

We LOVE adoption!!! And this t-shirt!

T-shirt design

If you don’t know already, Jess and I LOVE adoption!  Check out how you can support some friends of ours!

Our friends the Reinards are adopting their 3rd child!  

I met Aaron (the dad) in 2007, he came and spoke at a Christian summer camp that Jess and I were working.  I then had the privilege to eat breakfast with him and some other youth pastors once a month in 2009-2010 when I was pastoring in PA.  Whenever I’m back in that area I always try and grab coffee with him.  We always leave mutually inspired.  You can check out his blog here.  

They have designed these awesome t-shirts to help in their adoption process.  Jess and I are going to be buying two and I encourage you to buy this awesome shirt as well and help out a good cause.  

To buy these shirts go to their adoption blog and follow the instructions there!

Here’s the rest of his family modeling the t-shirts!  

We are also still giving 20% of everything we make in photography to our friends the Rainwaters who are in the process of adopting a boy from Haiti.  More details here.  If you are interested in booking us as your photographers check out our website here.  

Heliftsmeup JeffAugust 26, 2012 - 11:40 am

Hey bro hook me up with a shirt!

jimjessbakerAugust 26, 2012 - 11:46 am

Jeff, you have to go to the link in the blog and follow the directions to buy it directly from them.