10.22.09 – Grandpa Stiles 90th Birthday

Grandpa Stiles (Jess’ dad’s father) on his 90th Birthday
(iso 1600 shot with the g11 for you photo geeks)

We’re hanging out tonite in Youngstown Ohio. We just spent the evening with Grandpa Stiles who is ninety today. When I asked him how it feels to be ninety he replied, “I don’t know how’s it suppose to feel?” He said that when we turn ninety he’d be there to sing to us:)

Jess sitting with Grandpa as he opens his cards.

Just a quick update, back to Jamestown tomorrow and NYC on saturday. Baltimore on Wednesday for the Voice of the Apostles conference. Yup… on the road again.

JIM baker

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Jeremiah and AmyOctober 25, 2009 - 8:25 pm

I love the portrait picture! Wonderful. I spent the day at my grama’s 80th today and enjoyed the wisdom of many elders!

jim bakerOctober 26, 2009 - 7:00 am

awesome :)

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