10.29.09 – adventures on the road and VOA

changing spark plugs

So about 4 hours into our trip to baltimore Jess turns down the radio and asks “whats that noise?” and I hear a loud clicking from the engine… we pull up to the toll booth pay the toll and the car stalls out. I start it back up and get off of the exit and pull into a parking lot in time for it to stall out again. Real long story short, got towed, guy wanted $187 for a tune up, called Brian Adelgren, he told me that was a rip off, the Walrod family came to our rescue (they were headed to baltimore from jamestown NY too and were about an hour behind us) we picked up the parts on our own and Tim Lease walked me through how to do it over the phone. Car still didn’t work correctly so I left it sitting at a gas station in Breezewood PA right off of the turnpike.

my spark plug changing friends
(Jess, Bob, Linda, and Sandi)

I am seriously surrounded by the most GENEROUS and AMAZING friends ever. The Walrods rerouted to come pick us up and Bob paid for the parts that I needed. Tim Lease took the time to walk me through how to change my spark plugs over the phone. My parents are driving us to Heidi Fraisers house and then she is going to drive Jess and I back to Breezewood on Sunday and Nate Adelgren is going to drive 4 hours from Jamestown to Breezewood and drive us back to Jamestown with our car.

worship last night at Voice of the Apostles

We are here in Baltimore for the Voice of The Apostles Conference. We have seen hundreds of people receive physical healings, hearing testimonies of creative miracles and metal in peoples bodies dissolving. Major things, minor things all being healed in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have sat under some of the most amazing teaching from modern day apostles like Bill Johnson, Che Ahn and John Arnott. It’s been a blessing to be at this conference. Heidi Baker is speaking tomorrow.

God’s GOOD.
JIM baker

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LisaOctober 29, 2009 - 4:57 pm

God is so cool sometimes. And maybe you shouldn’t have turned the radio down. We took Dad’s truck down to get my wallet, drove it home, and then once we got in the driveway, and turned the music down, and we heard this scraping noise. so i figured it was just a tree branch from driving in the woods, but there’s nothing there, so we took it to get checked out tonight. Anyway, glad to hear things are working out. I was praying for you guys this afternoon, just praying that all would be worked out for God’s glory, no matter what that may be. Maybe they’ll be some crazy cool connection. God’s amazing, nonetheless.

Lisa StantonOctober 29, 2009 - 4:59 pm

Haha….that’s my fam…having a good time as always! can’t wait to hear about the conference!

Jamie RainwaterOctober 30, 2009 - 2:46 pm

Jim…that’s awesome…I’m so proud of you for working on your car…you look great with a little grease on your hands…

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