11.14.09 – productive day!

tonight’s dinner

Even though when Jess is away I burn things in the microwave I can cook. Well if you count sauteing up some chicken and then pouring a jar of pre-made tiki masala sauce over it and simmering it and then throwing it on whole wheat pasta that was already in the fridge. Whatever…

Sent in Jess’ passport renewal application so it will be under her married name. Cost me like $150+ grrrr. I guess these are the times where I have to really TRUST in God’s provision. I feel like peoples natural generosity has already been stretched, which makes me realize that maybe I’ve just trusting in that and not God.

Picked up some toiletries for work. I find myself getting back to the office often and wanting/needing to brush my teeth after a meal or something. So I picked up some stuff to keep at the office.

Washed and waxed Jess’ car, rain-x’d the windows too. I feel like I’ve cleaned our drinking glasses like a million times cause they never seem to look clean. Does anyone else have that problem with Jamestown water?

anyway, thats it.
JIM baker

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CherylNovember 14, 2009 - 2:53 pm

Dinner looks great! Mom

jeannieNovember 14, 2009 - 4:20 pm

Looks better than raw sausage!!!:) way to go Jimmy!!

jim bakerDecember 27, 2009 - 10:00 pm

@ mom – it was alright… it reminded me of a beef dish mom used to cook… thin strips of beef with like sour cream… what was that? beef paprika?

@ jeannie – haha, anythings better than raw sausage, thats why when i come back to town we go out to eat now and i don’t let you cook for me :)

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