11.23.09 – great day yesterday

haha thanks to jon barnes for the fun graphic

So yesterday was my birthday. I started out the morning by preaching at church which I think went really well. I shared my story with the church and preached a little bit about some things that were on my heart.

Then my wife and I, Sandi Walrod and Eric and Stacey Clark headed out to Erie to see The Blind Side which was seriously such an awesome movie. Then we went and ate indian food (which I LOVE) at the Raj Mahal.

Today my wife and I are going to get some home made Indian food at Pastor Rick’s house and we’re going to meet Aruna Swauger who works with Equip India.

And tonite Aaron Reinard is speaking to our youth.

A fun filled day.
JIM baker

p.s leave comments i LOVE THEM!

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JStanfordNovember 23, 2009 - 1:28 am


I watched the live feed from yesterday morning. Awesome stuff – It was cool hearing things you’ve told me over the years all at once. Great thoughts too – we do need to stop praying out of unbelief. Often when I see God answer a prayer of mine in some obvious way, I am surprised – as if I didn’t really expect Him to. We’re not a servant begging for our request to be granted – we’re sons and daughters coming to our loving father.

Stay awesome, glad you had a great birthday!

You and My FaceNovember 23, 2009 - 2:50 am

That’s so cool, Jim! I hope you began your sermon by saying “I’m a big boy today.”

Bang! Zoom! To the moon!

joan NewhallNovember 23, 2009 - 3:12 am

I heard that your sermon went well. I watched until 10:45 but had to leave for my church service. I hope that it will be posted on the Praise Fellowship Service soon so that I can view it.
Love, Grandpa and Grandma

P.S. going to see The Blind Side Tuesday evening.

Jodie LindellNovember 23, 2009 - 4:38 am

We watched from the webcast and it really was a great service. Thank you for sharing your heart and allowing us to have a glimpse of who you are. God has truly blessed you, impacted you, and quite obviously created you in His image! We look so forward to meeting you and your beautiful wife one day real soon. Blessings,

Mike & Jodie Lindell

PS We made sure we had our 7 yr. old son Caleb listen to your testimony as well, telling him that you would be having a major impact on his life one day…. He was really blessed by many things you spoke about. Thank you again for your willingness and obediace to share your life and heart w/ this body. You are valuable.

Jeremiah and AmyNovember 23, 2009 - 3:34 pm

Happy Belated Birthday! I am glad you had a good time. Fun to hear you saw Sandi, do you hang out a lot?? Say hi from us! I sure hope we can meet all of you again in the future! That would be so great!

LisaNovember 23, 2009 - 6:15 pm

i think i’m gonna order the dvd. i really want to hear your story from your mouth (I heard bits and pieces from my family, but yeah, I wanna hear).

jim bakerNovember 24, 2009 - 4:44 am

@ jeff – thanks so much man, your words are an encouragement to me, its been my privilege to walk through life with you and see you run hard after jesus, God is going to use you mightily for His kingdom

@ chachi – i actually started it out by saying something about my birthday and a suit… and letting everyone know that it wasn’t my birthday suit

@ grandma – hope you enjoy blindside it was great, the sermon is online on the website now.

@ Mike and Jodie – man, you guys are awesome I’m excited to meet you all soon too, thanks for having Caleb watch it will be a good day when he’s hanging out with us on monday nights :)

@ jeremiah and Amy – thanks for the b-day wishes, yeah Sandi and jess are actually hanging out right now, we all live in the same town now (crazy huh?)

@ lisa – no need to buy the dvd you can check it out on the churches website

LisaNovember 24, 2009 - 12:39 pm

i’ve tried to do it with some of the sermon’s i miss, and the videos won’t load and the if i pause the audio, i have to keep searching to find where i was, but I’ll try. :-) And I wish worship was online instead of just the sermon. I miss worship too.

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