12.20.2009 – Christmas and stuff

Jim and I watched this video clip the other day and I thought it was definitely worth sharing. Aside from the fact that it’s an entertaining twist on the typical nativity play, it completely changed my outlook on the Christmas story as we picture it. It hit me when the angels came in… and notice the chorus keeps repeating “i’ve been waiting my whole life for this one night.” I mean, how awesome is that? I have no idea how time works in heaven, but I am of the understanding that heavenly beings are at least aware of the passage of time here, and I bet they were up in heaven watching all of humanity waste away in our own sin and just waiting for the day when we would be redeemed, and then the day came!!! And think of the Jewish believers, the shepherds and even the wise men; all these people who have been anxiously anticipating the arrival of a savior who would bring them freedom. All that time waiting, hoping, and then finally to witness his arrival!I think that sense of excitement is completely lost on us. I mean, we get jazzed about waiting a year – or more likely – about a month for Christmas morning to arrive and that’s usually just so we can eat cookies and receive that expensive toy, phone, camera or whatever we’ve been wanting for the past six months. It’s easy to miss really, because Jesus already came for us. We don’t have to wait for anything. Which is actually probably for the best, as we all have short attention spans anymore anyways.

But these people were waiting for GENERATIONS… their WHOLE EXISTENCE for this one thing to happen! And when it does… can you even imagine the party in heaven?!? After all the build-up of excitement, the anticipation of joy… the celebration must have been unbelievable. I bet they danced their halos off. Literally. A completely unrestrained explosion of joy.
I’m all for reverence and honor and respect. But it’s an absolute crime to miss out on the excitement of the celebration. Party on, world. Party on!

JESS baker

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LisaDecember 20, 2009 - 5:25 pm

i’m so excited you’re blogging :-) good post

Jess BakerDecember 21, 2009 - 6:01 am

thanks lisa… we’ll see how it goes. i’m not very tech savvy and have never been interested in blogging. unlike my handsome husband. but this experience wasn’t too painful. :)

colleenDecember 23, 2009 - 5:01 am

this kinda gave me chills. looooved it.

jim bakerDecember 27, 2009 - 9:51 pm

it gave me chills when I read it too the first time when it was still in draft. my wife’s a dang good writer.

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