3 FREE PDF’s That Will Bring Clarity And Inspiration To Your Life

Over the course of a few days I found and downloaded some free materials by people I respect.  Here’s the list.  In upcoming blog posts I will review each one with more detail .

In the meantime you can download each one for free in exchange of your e-mail address.  You can give them a junk e-mail address or unsubscribe from their e-mails when you get them after you get the PDF.  I actually have stayed on Donald Miller’s e-mail list because I found them useful.

Michael Hyatt – Shave 10 hours off your work week

In typical Michael Hyatt fashion, he produces a beautiful PDF that helps you prioritize your time with practical advice.  Click here to check out his website and plug in your name and e-mail at the top to get this free PDF.

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Donald Miller – 5 Things Your Website Should Include

Donald Miller is a great author.  He’s encouraging people to have stories as a part of their brand.  These 5 steps were super helpful, I’m not sure I have any of these 5 on my website.  Click here to check out the storyline.com website.  Plug your e-mail into the right hand column second ad to receive this free PDF.

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Jeremy Cowart – Absorb

Jeremy Cowart is a photographer known for working with celebrities.  I saw a tweet that he had released a PDF and that we shouldn’t miss it.  He shares with you what his network of friends do to stay inspired.  Click here to get this PDF.

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Do you know of any FREE resources that have inspired you?  OR did you check any of these out?  Let us know what you think.  Please share with us in the comments.

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