Linky Wednesday 09.02.15


Did you see this?  Karate Kid was my favorite movie growing up.  It’s amazing how important context is and how you can twist a story to be anything you want it to be.  Remember that next time you’re watching your favorite news station.  :)


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If you haven’t already check out this weeks episode of Doing Ministry Well!  This week we interview Rick Thompson.   Rick teaches on Christian world view, talks politics and shares 3 practical steps on how to do ministry well listed below.  If you haven’t yet PLEASE rate, comment and subscribe on Itunes to keep up with the most recent episodes!


The Evangelism Conversation No One Is Having – Carey Nieuwhof


Is The Smartphone Killing Weekend Church Services? – Carey Nieuwhof

Are you liking Wednesday links?  Did you find any of these links useful?  Share with us some of the links you’ve been finding interesting this week!  Let us know in the comments!

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