Make Moves!

Do you ever get overwhelmed by the vision God has given you?

I do.

It’s paralyzing at times.  Literally.

God has given me dreams I can only accomplish with His help.

I was reading in Joshua the other day and was amazed by God giving him a HUGE promise up front, but then they still have to do the hard and scary work.  It also stood out to me that the leaders had to step into rushing water before God  miraculously parted the Jordan.

Make moves.

“God will fulfill all of His promises to you but He won’t fulfill your destiny.” – Kris Vallaton

For me making small tangible steps really helps.

I just contacted the local food bank in my town, and contacted the chamber of commerce too to get the ball rolling on my vision.

What baby step you can take today?

Be strong and courageous friends.  God’s got a plan for your lives to do amazing things, that will bring the reality of His Kingdom to the earth.

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