Black Friday! Buy This, Seriously, You’ll Thank Me.

If you buy one thing this holiday season, I encourage you to buy this.

What is it?  It’s an amazing blender.  Yes it’s pricey, but Jess and I don’t regret this investment in our health at all.

We use this most mornings to make green smoothies.  There is no other way I would get so many fruits and vegetables in my system.  We mix greens, bananas, berries, sometimes apples, and sometimes other things like chia seeds, or coconut milk in there and blend it up and it’s actually really tasty.  The sweetness of the fruits completely covers up any taste of the greens.  

The vitamix is easy to use, it’s the most powerful tool I own, (my drill runs off triple a batteries) and it’s easy to clean, which means you’re actually going to use it.

When we bought it, it had a 30 day money back guarantee, which I told Jess we would absolutely send it back if we weren’t using it every day because it’s to expensive to just be a counter decoration.  

It also comes with a 7 year warranty.  We’ve had ours over a year, and had no problems with it, we’ve even travelled with it.

If you buy today from the link above we get 4-6% of the sale, and it cost you nothing extra.

If you’re doing other shopping online and want to help us out.  Please at no extra cost to you, click below on our Amazon Affiliate link and shop as normal!  We will get 4-6% of everything you buy and it will cost you nothing extra.

Engage:  Did you stay up all night and face the crowds?  Did you get anything awesome?  Let us know in the comments.

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JoannaNovember 29, 2013 - 2:49 am

I love our vitamix! I make my own flour out of oats and the Vitamix does an awesome job of grinding it perfectly. It used to take forever in our old mixer and it never ground consistently. Good investment!

jimjessbakerNovember 29, 2013 - 10:54 pm

yay! i’m glad you got one! Did you buy the dry container to do the oats? Or are you just using the container that came with it?

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