Choose Your Feelings



We have a #choice in the trajectory of our #feelings.

I don’t think I realized until recently. Feelings aren’t as powerful as I thought or felt.

How do you want to feel? Full of joy and full of life and ambition?  That sounds nice.
Do you not feel that way right now? Do you feel the exact opposite?

I woke up this morning tired. I travelled all day yesterday. I was having a bad attitude until about mid way through my facebook live for today.  Maybe the coffee was kicking in or maybe I was reminding myself of truth I needed to hear.

I think my bad attitude stemmed from the fact I felt entitled to more rest. And by rest I really mean I wanted to be #lazy.
I’m not saying don’t rest. I’m saying be real about calling laziness #rest.

A buddy of mine recently shared with me that he has a tendency to withdraw. I think I do too.

If the atmosphere is not just right aka I’m not “feeling” it I would rather go hide than press in.

Do I want to do laundry today when I get home? Nope. Will it make me feel better if I do? You betcha. Weird how temporary discomfort. The first step. When we push through it sets us up for a much better day and launches us into feeling better.

But the opposite is true too. Choose to withdraw and I bet you will feel worse.
I’m being vulnerable in sharing these small daily struggles but maybe it will help someone. I’m afraid that someone is rolling their eyes and thinking I’m weak because I’m learning how to push through simple tasks like laundry. But I’m gonna just be honest in my process.

And if you are judging me that’s fine I suppose, I’m growing, I can’t do anything about where I currently am except be honest about it and choose to move forward and that’s what I’m doing.  So I’m slamming fear this morning too and being #productive

Don’t withdraw today.  Do the things that are gonna make your day, your week, your life better.

Is there one task that keeps nagging on you that you keep ignoring?  Tackle it.  Right now.

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