Done with the New Testament! [VIDEO]

A video by one of our brilliantly creative and talented students Aku Ylänne

Last night we celebrated the finish of the New Testament portion of our school…  

Over the past 4 months our students have diligently studied the whole New Testament.  We celebrated by having a nice meal and our students shared what they had learned in a creative way.  Most of them shared the struggle that it has been to study this much for this long, but all are walking away with a greater knowledge of the New Testament.  They have a better understanding of the culture it was written in, and are seeing aspects of Gods character in new ways.  Please enjoy a humorous video that our some of our students made:) 

We are starting a much needed week long break.  We have been super blessed by God during this time.  Jess and I had originally intended to visit another island during this break but our current financial  situation does not allow for that.  

A friend who lives on the island with out knowing we even had a break asked us last week to house sit for them for the EXACT dates of our break!  We will have a REAL HOUSE with a REAL KITCHEN to ourselves and access to a vehicle.  This will be a nice refreshing break from our current dormitory community living.  :) 

I’m not scheduling anything for this break, so I MIGHT blog and I might not.  I’m honestly thinking about just disconnecting from the internet completely for this week.  

Pray for us during this time that we would be refreshed and be able to reflect over the past 4 months and get excited for and have a greater vision for the next 5!  

Engage:  How has God blessed you recently?  Share with us in the comments!  

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JessieJuly 31, 2012 - 3:48 am

Yay!! I’m super excited for you guys. I love reading your updates, but I vote for disconnecting. I’m sure a break to spend time together and recharge would be good for you.

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