Gently Instruct and Keep Learning

Don’t take for granted what you’ve been taught. Not everyone has had the same privilege to learn what you know.

As I wrote this thought down this morning, I felt like the Lord spoke “gently instruct” to my mind and so I looked up that phrase knowing it was in the Bible.  Here it is.

2 Tim 2:22 Timothy, run away from youthful desires. Instead, direct your passion to chasing after righteousness, faithfulness, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord with pure hearts. 23 Excuse yourself from any conversations that turn into foolish and uninformed debates because you know they only provoke fights. 24 As the Lord’s slave, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself in bickering; instead, be gentle—no matter who you are dealing with—ready and able to teach, tolerant without resentment, 25 gently instructing those who stand up against you. Besides, the time may come when God grants them a change of heart[c] so that they can arrive at the full knowledge of truth. 26 And if they come to their senses, they can escape the devil’s snare and walk freed from his captivity and evil bidding.

It’s easy for me to think or assume that others should know what I know, but they haven’t lived my life.  And I’ve sat under some amazing teaching.  So if they don’t know, it’s our job to gently instruct, which works well if the person wants to learn.

And if they don’t, then thats fine, that’s their choice.  But it should make us ask ourselves, am I currently teachable?  Am I looking around to be a every day learner?  Am I receptive to what others are trying to teach me?  Am I willing to sit through some of the fluff, and bad presentation of peoples blabbering to get a gem?

If you’re not learning you’re not growing, and if you’re not growing your stagnant and dying.

Deep and heavy thoughts for this grey Monday afternoon.  Enjoy!

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