He Wouldn’t Give Up


“He just wouldn’t give up.”

I heard Doyle half shouting half speaking to Captain.

Doyle was talking about our friend Alex and my family was sitting in earshot of this conversation outside of coffee bean.

We just finished lunch with Alex and Aubrey and were finishing our first time hanging out together with coffee.

Doyle came over and danced around emphatically telling us that he got work now because his ankle was healed.

I’m not sure if you saw the video testimony I shared of Doyle. But Alex prayed for Doyle in McDonalds a couple weeks ago and Jesus healed Doyle’s ankle completely. He walked in with a serious limp and a walking stick which he had had for the past year and left with no pain.

I preached this morning and pointed out that Jesus doesn’t send his disciples out to pray for the sick but sends them out to heal the sick. Interesting.

So Jesus literally restored Doyle through a physical miracle which allows Him to work again.

And the exclamation was that Alex didn’t give up.

As I overheard that I knew it was significant.

Is that what people exclaim when they think of our lives? They didn’t give up.

Alex prayed 3 times for Doyle’s ankle. Doyle was ready to go when it felt a little better the first time but Alex persisted that Jesus wanted to heal him completely and kept praying.

Did you know Jesus Himself had to pray for a man more than once to be completely healed? Check out Mark 8:22-25

Man if Jesus has to pray more than once for healing than maybe I might have to pray a few times too.

What have we given up on? What are we settling for because we are unwilling to contend anymore. What breakthroughs and victories were we so close to, but tapped out?

Who have you given up on? Is it someone you know? Is it yourself?

Be filled with audacious hope as you read this. And don’t let yesterdays discouragements keep you from pressing in today.

If you need a physical healing right now, be healed in Jesus name. Be healed in Jesus name. Be healed in Jesus name.

I want it said of me and you. “They just wouldn’t give up.”

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