Hearts Burning Within Us


Luke 24:32

When we hear God’s voice and read the scriptures do our hearts burn?

What amazing imagery.

What’s your heart truly burning for today?

Desire is a God given gift that is intended to be directed back at our Creator. I heard someone say Hollywood does a better job of awakening desire than the church.

Maybe today if you’re honest you don’t sense your heart burning for anything, or maybe it’s burning for the wrong things.

That’s okay, we can only move forward when we truly acknowledge where we are.

I’m asking God this morning that our hearts would burn brighter for Him and Him alone. He’s so good.

Fire’s have to be tended to. Stirred up. New fuel added. Bellows used.

Bill Johnson says something along the lines of “God sends the fire but it’s the priests job to keep it going.”

I’ve got Lindy Conant’s ”Freight Train” on repeat this morning to stir up my fire.

Lindy was at YWAM Kona with Jess and I a decade ago. It’s fun to see how God is using people a decade later.

Today is Aloha day here at YWAM Honolulu which means a new quarter is starting. Check out our facebook page to see some pics.

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