Inspiration: Talent Business And Truth

If you have thirty minutes free, I suggest watching the video above.

Andy  Mineo.  I don’t know him personally, that’d be cool though.  I started following him on twitter before I ever heard his music.  Someone had retweeted some of his tweets and I found them inspiring.  I was instantly impressed with his social media game.  I just watched this interview with him.  I love that his talent has opened doors for him in the secular world.  I think Christian Rap has far surpassed any other Christian genre.  I love that this guy is business minded… he mentions about how he’s always thinking above the live show, and different ways to involve the fan.  I love that he preformed the song You Can’t Stop Me, that talks about the obstacles that he faces, that we all face, like I wrote about recently.  I’ve got a guest blog coming from a friend that is going to talk about creativity, christianity and obstacles, so be looking for that, it’s a good one.  And maybe my favorite part, he didn’t flinch once when tons of f-bombs were being dropped.  Haha.

In light of my last post, I’m praying for Andy.  Praying that God would protect him, and that he’d grow in character as he grows in influence.  That he’d grow in the fruits of the spirit as well as the gifts.  Praying all of those things for me too, and for you too.

Engage:  Have you heard of Andy Mineo?  What do you think?  Let us know in the comments.

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