Linky Wednesday 10.28.15

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I’m feeling a lot better thanks for the prayers.  Got some blog posts in the queue ready to go.  Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing!  Those things help keep me motivated!

Started vermicomposting again.  Started up a worm bin.  Composting is brilliant.  Literally trash to treasure.

I also searched through a whole box of half dollars and found 1 90% half and 2 40% halves.  So much fun!


I watched this video and it really inspired me!  The video is about a year old but The Urban Farming Guys are doing amazing work.


Bought a solar camping shower after so many days without hot water when the hot water tank was being replaced.  Figured if there was ever a bad storm that cut out the utilities at least we could shower.  Ten bucks I hope I never have to use, but if I do, I’ll be glad I have it.



If you’re looking for a super easy way to help us out, click on this link and bookmark it as your amazon homepage.  Shop as normal and at no extra cost to you we will get a small percentage of your sale.


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If you haven’t already check out this weeks episode of Doing Ministry Well!  We interview our youngest guest yet.  Joshua Parsons was raised as a MK in Asia and has gone into Burma multiple times on medical mission.  Check it out.   If you haven’t yet PLEASE rate, comment and subscribe on Itunes to keep up with the most recent episodes!


Articles I shared this week


How Much Money You Need To Save Each Day To Become A Millionaire By Age 65


Are you liking Wednesday links?  Did you find any of these links useful?  Share with us some of the links you’ve been finding interesting this week!  Let us know in the comments!

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