Love Me Where I’m Hiding


We are in a season of God peeling back unbelief and showing us the dreams He has for us.

The #destiny we were created for.

The impossible things we desire in our deepest being but cannot do apart from Him.

If you can accomplish your dreams without God you probably aren’t tapped into the destiny you were created for.

To do what God is #calling us to it requires us to #CHOOSE to #grow.

It requires surrender.

It requires the tangible love of God to come and undo us in the areas we are trying to hide. The areas of weakness even areas of shame.

Managing freedom is HARD.

But there is no love without choice. And God took such a great risk for love.

The living God is pursuing us and dreaming big dreams for us that will bring restoration to the earth.

And the next step requires us to invite Him to draw us in closer.

Our battles will be won in intimacy with our loving Father not by human effort. That doesn’t negate our partnership but we cannot do it apart from truly drawing near to the heart of God.

Let’s relent. Let’s surrender. Let’s let Him in to the places of hurt and shame and self sufficiency we’re hiding.  Jesus we need You.

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