Mitigate Disappointment With Thankfulness


Does anyone else get crushed when they think something is about to be great and it’s lackluster at best?

This could be a huge thing, or it could be a tiny small thing. But every-time that searing sense of disappointment can really wreck my mood.

I’ve been trying to figure out some mood hacks lately. To be more conscious of what causes me to have low moods and figure out how to recover when I do.

I’m now realizing that we aren’t victim to our moods and mindsets. But it does require FIGHTING if we’re gonna get out of them. Just like physical exercise requires effort for growth, so does this mental and emotional exercise.

The problem is, it’s REALLY hard when you’re in a low emotional state to fight.

Thankfulness is the slayer of low moods. Get your thankful on.

Comment and let me know 5 things you’re thankful for!

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