My “February 28 Day Push” Goals

I was hanging out with my friend RK last night and he was telling me about how he and his wife and kids have started a GOAL board on their fridge.  Every morning at breakfast they look at the goal board and when a goal is accomplished they make a big deal about crossing them off.  RK told me his daughter asked him this week if he could do 5 goals, so they can have a bigger house.  :)

Imagine if you were setting goals weekly, and stating them publicly.  At the end of 52 weeks you would have accomplished a lot.

I posted earlier this week that Jess suggested that we really push through the 28 days of February and really commit to some of the goals we’ve been wanting to do.  So here’s our goals.

1.  No eat out February.  Which will help us save money and eat healthier.

2.  Jess wants to do a half hour of cardio and a half hour of stretching every day.

3.  I want to be doing my morning walk, along with pushups and crunches 5 days a week.

4.  I want to be doing an evening walk up a hill here in the valley.  5 nights a week.  As well as a Saturday hike.

5.  Eating CLEAN.

I realized Monday on my morning walk that I always ask God to take away my desire for bad things, instead of praying for the wisdom and tenacity to overcome.  Jess and I were talking about how we think that if you give into whatever that temptation is, that it will satisfy it, but the reality is you’re only feeding that desire and allowing it to grow bigger when you give in.

Here’s a quote from The Cross Of Christ that I’m reading that really got me.

‘Don’t you know’, he asks incredulously, ‘that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?’ On the other, ‘You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body.’ Our body has not only been created by God and will one day be resurrected by him, but it has been bought by Christ’s blood and is indwelt by his Spirit. Thus it belongs to God three times over, by creation, redemption and indwelling. How then, since it does not belong to us, can we misuse it? Instead, we are to honour God with it, by obedience and self-control. Bought by Christ, we have no business to become the slaves of anybody or anything else. Once we were the slaves of sin; now we are the slaves of Christ, and his service is the true freedom.

Stott, John (2012-11-29). The Cross of Christ (pp. 181-182). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Lord help me to honor you with my body in the hard work of ONGOING obedience and self-control.

What are your goals for February?  Let us know in the comments.

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