My Ongoing Struggle With Social Media

I have a love hate relationship with social media. Okay, basically it’s just a hate relationship, but for what we do it’s necessary.

We went a magical year or more without social media in 2018. And in that time it was interesting to see who still interacted with us on a regular basis.

Something I hear when I’m away from social media is that people miss us.

Uh… wut?

We are very much still alive, is what you’re really saying is that you missed the convenience of interacting our online avatar? See this is my struggle with social media, this is where it gets weird.

At the end of last year we lost a quarter of our donors. I wonder if our year off of social media in 2018 contributed to this. In fact, I’m sure it did.

So at the start of 2019 I hit it hard. Shooting daily facebook lives. And producing content and posting it all over. And after I returned from the mainland in May I had a hard time getting back into my groove.

Our schedule changed a lot. Sometimes if a habit is tied to an event, and that event disappears, so goes the habit.

I was shooting a lot of my facebook lives on the way to my side job, I’ve since delegated some of that work. And I was creating a lot of content during my morning routine, but when jetlag messed up my sleep schedule my morning routine fell apart. So I’m now trying to figure out what our online communications will look like.

I have serious serious serious concerns about online privacy using social media. I’ll write more about that soon.

I’m trying to figure out the best course of action on how to set up my life and work day with all of the changing variables. Office space, childcare, Jess’ work schedule, and daily changes in energy and mood.

So I’m back at it, trying something new. Trying to batch process the writing at least for now. Readjusting.

What works for you? I envision everyone else’s lives being so consistent and predictable. Is that the case?

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