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Proud husband moment.
My wife is a rockstar. She’s teaching this week in Dalton GA traveling alone with our almost 3 month old to teach a week long overview of the prophets (both major and minor, my weakest area of knowledge in the Bible) at The Summit Training Center
She also recently repioneered the Biblical Core Course BCC Honolulu at YWAM Honolulu a three month Bible school where students read through the whole Bible, learn inductive study methods and make interpretations and applications based on the original culture and context the Bible was written in.
Guys… 18-25 year old students are coming to this program, making the time and putting in the effort to read the ENTIRE Bible in 3 months and are able to because Jess stepped out of her comfort zone to lead
She just sent a team from her school to Mongolia to teach what they learned half way around the world in negative degree weather.
And ya know what? She does it all for FREE. YWAM is a volunteer organization. No one, not even directors get a paycheck.
She does it because she’s passionate about the Word of God and it’s transformative power. 💥 She believes that when we get equipped to study the Word God His promises, call and character come alive.
We are so grateful for the ministry partners that donate on a regular basis so this valuable work can be done.
If you know and love Jess comment and tell her something you love about her.
@ Church on the Hill
To read more about the Summit Training Center click here.