Readers Lead and Leaders Read



How many books have you read this year?

Do you have a book that you go back and read every year?

Grant Cardone says in his book 10x, the average CEO reads 60 books a year from. That’s an average of 5 books a month.

A friend recently said they were envious of how much time I can give to reading.

I should have told them they were welcome to drive all over the island and clean construction offices with me:)

Ron Smith wrote a book called Read To Lead where he outlines the reading habits of successful people. And I think it was from him where I first heard the statement “leaders read and readers lead.”

I just read something from @JamesClear (I think thats who it was…) who wrote Atomic Habits say something along the lines of we should always be reading because who we are is basically a synthesis of what we’ve been reading.

Dang it I hate when all I can come up with is Hungry Hungry Caterpillar.

I’ve been thinking about habits. And success. And how success sometimes feels like a dirty word. Is success a worldly word? Is success in opposition to our Christian values? I don’t think it is, but somewhere buried deep in my subconscious is a guilt about the word success.

I’ve also been thinking about how we sometimes bemoan the fact that we aren’t like other successful people but we weren’t willing to put the work in either. We somehow feel entitled to other peoples success and journey without the work.

I’d say the top 2 things successful people do is get up early and have a solid morning routine and read, a lot.

I need to think of another word for success. Because success does seem to be all tied to monetary and worldly wealth. Success brings to mind an image of a man in a grey suit standing in front of his sports car in front of his mansion.

High achieving? That doesn’t work either.

Intentional about growth. There it is. I like that.

Why do I want to grow? So I can be successful. 😉 Nah, just kidding.

I want to grow because I want to steward my life well. I want to live in the fullness that God created me for. I don’t want to limit what He wants to do with my life. And I want to set an example for my son.

I want to grow because staying stuck and meandering is boring. Average hasn’t helped me much.

I want to grow because I’ve got shortcomings that need to be worked through for my best benefit and the benefit of those around me.

Choose to grow.

Pick up a book from someone who has figured out some things in their lives that you want to figure out and glean from their knowledge.

What books have helped you take giant leaps and bounds?

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