Realistic Hope


Hope feels amazing.

How many of us are hopeful?

How many of us have been burned a few times and have made vows never to get our hopes up again.

What if what we are hoping for isn’t reality? Reward without work. Benefit without cost. And all of that at an instant and not progress with a process.

What if we are wanting instant gratification instead of realizing the REWARDS are in the process.

Hope deeply and realistically.

Look around you and be grateful for whatever you have today.

Dream wild audacious dreams and pair them with a detailed plan with massive action and space to celebrate small milestones.

Work hard when it’s time to work. And when it’s time to relax, fully enjoy things that actually refresh you and be guilt free about it.

Don’t give into cynicism and bitterness.

Stay hopeful. Dream bigger. Plan deeper. Work harder. Rest well.

Happy Friday.

A few minutes at the beach before job #3. Cleaning construction offices.

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