The Secret To Making This Week Awesome


Do you schedule a time to assess how your previous week went? What worked, what didn’t? What to improve on this week and what to celebrate?

Are you aware of some disciplines you let get a little sloppy last week or maybe this weekend and need to recommit to this week?

Can you figure out what the circumstances were that caused you to live less than optimal? This isn’t a time to be self condemning, it’s a time to be intentional about what worked and what didn’t, and then ask why. And then make a new plan of attack this week based on the information for the last.

I slept in today and I feel really behind. I KNOW that I need to get up and do my morning routine, even if in the fogginess of the early morning I don’t remember why. Because in not doing it, I feel scattered. But I’ve learned that even if the conditions aren’t optimal that I should still try to knock out some of those tasks even if I didn’t wake up early. So I’m trying to catch up. Knowing what’s right and good and doing what’s right and good are two very different things. I wish it was one in the same.

This week I’m traveling so I’m tempted to be lax about my daily disciplines since last week was such an adjustment to our schedule and this week will be weird too with the travel, but this is the time to really double down and improve. To stick to the daily habits. To press through even if you don’t have a clear why. To not listen to that negative voice that says what you do doesn’t matter and no one cares.

Daily discipline is what helps us grow and move forward and become what we truly want to be. Not being disciplined, not doing those daily tasks doesn’t help me feel better, even though my brain is trying to sabotage me into thinking I’ll enjoy the “rest.”

Jim Rohn says something along the lines of rest being best enjoyed when we’ve truly given it our all, instead of using rest as an excuse to hide in fear.

Just talking out loud here, trying to write this out 4 hours after I usually write these posts is way harder. There are a ton more distractions, my brain has already been pulled in a million different directions. I’m recommitting to my morning routine. How about you?

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