Shut Up Discouargement | Choosing Joy Unspeakable


[This is a photo of my dad from 10 years ago.  I loved that I captured a genuine smile.]

I woke up this morning feeling discouraged.  Not feeling like I had much vision or excitement.

And then I had to take myself back to my life verse.  John 15:9  which is Jesus speaking.

“As the Father loves me, so I love you, remain in my love.”

So I stood in my room, leaning against my bed, trying to be awake and I reminded myself of God’s radical, audacious, and scandalous love for me.  And of God’s purpose and plan for my life.

It’s not anyone else’s job to cast vision for me.  The vision has already been cast.  I am loved by God, He initiated that while I was still a sinner, and He has a plan and a destiny for my life.

Revival isn’t hype, its cultivated first in our own lives, not based on outward circumstances, but on the truth that God is radically in love with us and those around you.  He wants to use us as his mouthpiece, and His hands and feet to deliver that message of ridiculous love and grace.

Even though the BBC news reports that the Euro is falling, and that oil prices have dropped again (even though we don’t feel that here in Hawaii, gas is still $3.39 a gallon) and that the Russian Ruble is falling as well…

He promises that His kingdom will have no end.

God’s economy isn’t falling.

Where’s my focus?  Is it on the good news?  Or the bad news that’s being reported.

2 Corinthian 10:5 says “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

As I did my morning walk this morning I felt like God asked me to review my past years of ministry through the filter of what He did, not through my usual filter of a lot of the hurts that came along with it.

It was beautiful and freeing.  To remember, what God did in those times, the relationships that were built, and the truth that was revealed and the breakthroughs that were seen.

Life is full of bad things.  But it’s also full of really amazing things as well.  What I choose to dwell on is my choice.

Negativity is disgusting.  Bad things do and will happen, but by choosing to dwell on those things, talk about those things, and replay those things in your head, we are choosing to relive those bad things too.

My prayer for you and for me as you read this is that you’d be filled with joy unspeakable.  That we’d take every thought captive, and cause ourselves to dwell on the good that God is doing and has done.

Thankfulness is spiritual warfare.  The devil would love for you to stay focused on what he’s doing.  Let’s tell him to shut up.

Comment and share with us three things that you’re thankful to God for and let’s make it a daily discipline.

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Russ BakerJanuary 7, 2015 - 9:30 am

My three things: My comfortable retirement, my family, my health. (BTW, aren’t my teeth whiter than that?)

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