Systems For Reducing Stress


What is a constant stressor in your life?

Jess and I are SUPER busy right now with her running the Bible Core Course and me working a few jobs.

For us in the Baker household the recurring stress is this:

“What do you want to eat?”

We’re shifting gears with Jess in her third week of the school, and me doing my second week of OMAD (one meal a day intermittent fasting) we haven’t quite found a groove for meals.

Most mornings I cook Jess breakfast while she’s feeding our son. But we don’t have a plan in place for our lunch times and evenings are a toss up with our work schedules.

So instead of allowing this problem and stressor to persist we have to create a SYSTEM.

James Clear talks about “habit stacking” adding any new activity to a pre-existing one with a simple statement of “after I do x, I will do y.”

So the new system is after I cook Jess breakfast, I will prepare her lunch and put it in the fridge so it will be ready for her when she comes home for lunch.

This is a seemingly simple stress, but it adds up when you face it daily. If something is a problem more than once take the time to think about a system to battle it.

What systems do you have in place to reduce stress in your life?

Comment and let us know.

Thanks to Adam Booher who gave me #5D9DDA #FFBA00 as colors.

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