Thoughts On The Superbowl


[the beautiful ladies I got the honor of spending superbowl sunday with, the one in the white is my favorite!]

So I’m not a huge football fan.  To be honest, the Superbowl was the first football game I’ve seen all season.  We don’t own a TV.  And even if we did, I don’t see myself sitting down to watch a game.  Eh, maybe I would…

Congrats to the Seahawks fans.  I don’t know if it’s just my geographical location but it seems to me there were a lot more seahawk fans than bronco fans.


[Blake and me]

Our newest friends Jenni and Blake (I say newest because we just recently met them) invited Jess and I over, along with two other of our YWAM friends, Allie and Cat. (haha)  Jenni and Blake prepared a generous spread of food for us, and we watched the game on their comfy couch.  A huge thank you to them for their generous hospitality!

Blake is in the Army so they are stationed here.  They recently got connected with the YWAM base and have been attending our Thursday night meetings.  The crazy thing, that makes the world so small, is that they used to go to the church at the Clarksville Vineyard in TN, where one of the pastors is a mentor of mine.

Anyway, we were a bit late getting to their house, so they tivo’d the game and we watched it taped.  Our friend Allie knew the score though because she kept checking on facebook.  We had to get Cat back to a meeting so we didn’t finish watching the whole game, but we did see Bruno play the half time show.

Here’s an interesting fact.  Bruno grew up coming to the YWAM base here in Honolulu for after school tutoring.

The game was boring in my opinion.  And the commercials didn’t seem that great either.  It was interesting that a lot of the commercials had a great hook, using some emotional appeal, and then quickly changed to advertising for their seemingly unrelated product.  I also felt like I saw a lot more celebrity endorsements this year too.  And then there was the super controversial coke commercial.  I often wonder if marketers know that their advertising is going to be controversial and that’s why they do it.  Controversy is good press.

At least the food and friends were good:)


I remember someone posting something on facebook about the doritos time machine commercial.  I thought it was made by YWAMers, but I found out it was just made by someone in my home town.  In 2010 Jess and I and some friends submitted a commercial.  Obviously we didn’t win.  I’ll try and dig up a link to see if I can share it with you.

Engage:  Did you enjoy the Superbowl?  Were you happy with the winners?  What was your favorite snack?  What was your favorite commercial?  Let us know in the comments.

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