Totally Failing At My February Goals

Completely might be a better word than totally in reference to my failure at the goals I set out for February.  How we deal with failure though and disappointment is huge I’ve realized, that will be a whole other blog post someday maybe.

I have however been READING a lot more in February.  And I’ve been off  of social media until recently because I had to post a wedding I just shot.  You can check out those photos here.

I’ve also been feeling good and social lately too.  I wonder if that’s the lack of social media.  A few people have even commented “Jim you’re so social lately.”

While I haven’t been doing great with the goals I set out to do, February has been a productive month.  I’m acting on some of the ideas I’ve had for a while.  One of those was recording a podcast.  I’ve got 5 episodes done and am having the logo made currently so be looking for a new website/business venture launch soon.  And I’ve gotten some other ideas about another possible online business type thing that I’ll hopefully be putting some major work into soon as well.

How have your February goals been going?

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