Hey friends, as you can see the blog is no longer regularly updated and hasn’t been for some time.  I used to try and repost things I’d put up on social media here but even that was not always regular.

I’ve intended for literally a few years to turn this into a static webpage instead of a blog but long gone are the free days of countless hours of learning and applying webdesign.  If I can get a few days of uninterrupted to work on it I would, but it’s pretty far down the priority list.  Or if I had some extra cash I could throw at someone to convert it over I could do that too, but extra cash is in short supply right now as well, and even that would require time to communicate what I’m looking for.

We are doing our best to regularly update via our e-mail newsletters and on social media.  So you can follow us along there if you want, or just reach out and say hi, we’d love to hear from you.

I’m not going to put direct links to any of those here right now, we’ve noticed that when you put e-mail addresses or sign up sheets on the blog the bots start to spam you.  But I assume you know how to reach me if you wanted to reach out.

All in all, family and ministry is great!  But as both are growing, time for blogging here obviously has decreased.  So consider this the last and final post until I can find some time to convert this over to a static page.  We appreciate everyone who has interacted with us here on this blog throughout the years.  Blessings!  – the BAKERS

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