Does Your Voice Matter?


You have a unique perspective that no one else can offer.  Don’t believe the lie that says your voice doesn’t matter.

I started my Wednesday morning off a couple of weeks ago, grabbing coffee with my friend Spencer.  The night before I had finished my book How To Raise Support Well.  After I returned from coffee I started e-mail people to ask for endorsements of my book.  The big boost was that an author that inspired the writing of my own book said that he’d endorse my book!  That’s huge in my mind.  With caffeine pumping through my veins and the encouragement that I was taking the next step in getting my book published I was on cloud nine.

I had a 10am Doing Ministry Well interview with Kimiyo Brown.  Kimiyo works with CRU on the UH campus.  Cru trains their staff really well in support raising.  After the interview she mentioned a resource on support raising.  I went and checked it out on Amazon.  I found out that it was a lot longer than mine and had 141 5 star reviews.  I read through some of the comments and my cloud nine experience plummeted.  Suddenly I was questioning if my book mattered or if they should just go read this other guys book.  I literally felt the caffeine wear off and a dull headache of depression start to creep in.

The reality is, I created my book to not be long.  To be easily accessible.  Longer doesn’t always mean better.  I’m in a different network than this guy is and I probably have a different approach because I’m a different person.  Maybe someone will like my writing style more than his.  Or maybe not.

The truth is, that 100% of people will not like my book.  I’m sure I’ll get some negative reviews.  That’s life.  Jesus was perfect and he came under a lot of criticism.  But even if the masses don’t benefit or like my book doesn’t mean I shouldn’t write it.  There’s a tribe of people out there that will benefit from it.  And that’s who I’m writing for.

I can’t believe the lie that says my voice doesn’t matter.  It would be dumb to throw my book away now right before it goes to get published.  Resistance is real.

Even if my book is an absolute failure, if everyone hates it, at the end of the day I wrote a book.  And I’ll write more.

And at least my mom will buy it and like it:)

What is unique about your voice?  And what does the world need to hear from you?  Let us know in the comments!

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Cheryl BakerJune 7, 2015 - 4:12 pm

I will for sure buy it and I will love it without a doubt. :)

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