Want Less Frustration? Communicate More


These mountains ⛰ never get old.

I understand now why there are songs about mountain to the ocean. It’s amazing that you can see both.

I’m learning about communication and for me how I think I’m over communicating at times but I’m really under-communicating.

Recently someone asked what we are doing in Hawaii and if we were on a permanent vacation. I thought I was really putting it out there what we are doing. One person even told me that I talk about toilets 🚽 a lot. But if people aren’t plugged into your methods of communication then…

You might be disseminating information but you aren’t communicating.

Jess’ Bible Core Course (@bcchonolulu) starts Tuesday. She has 5 students and for the next 3 months they will read through the whole entire Bible and learn tools to study, gain confidence to teach and grow in intimacy with Jesus by finding their place in this amazing story God is writing.

What are you frustrated about that could be alleviated by better and more frequent communication?

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