What Lenses Are You Wearing?


Man it’s been a while since I’ve seen a disposable camera.  Someone must have dropped this on the path that I walk my dog on.

I’ve been thinking recently about lenses.

And the lenses we view life through.

Have you ever had someone completely misjudge your motives?  You were intending to do something nice and they assumed what you were doing was savage?

That’s a lens problem right there.

We need Jesus’ lens for our lives.

If we think thoughts about ourselves that Jesus doesn’t think, then we’re viewing ourselves in an incorrect way.

If we think thoughts about others that Jesus doesn’t think, then our thoughts need to come under His submission and authority.

If our lens is smeared with suspicion, and we’re always assuming the worst, about people, and about situations then we need some Holy Spirit lens cleaner.

My prayer for us today is that our eyes, and our minds, would come into alignment of the truth of who Jesus is and what He’s done and paid for, so that we view ourselves, and others and our situations in light of our risen, very much alive and powerful King, who is Emmanuel, God with us.

If Jesus, in the flesh, was sitting right next to you.  How would that change how you viewed the world?

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