Working Against The Goads

In Monday’s post I wrote “why isn’t there a pretty picture here.”

I know full well that blog posts with pretty photos drive more traffic to your content.

It makes me think of a quote that I can’t find, and gave up trying to find because it also was delaying me from hitting publish.

The quote goes something like this.

80% done and good is better than 100% awesome and never published.

I’m trying to reprime the creative pump right now and just get back in the habit of writing and producing content. It’s been 2 months away. And I just haven’t been feeling it. I think I’m coming out of a small season of a dip into the blues.

Unfortunately how I feel plays a huge role into what I produce. I’ve noticed in my life, I need to try and reduce the amount of steps between me and what I desire. If there are too many steps I won’t end up doing it.

So if I took the time to create graphics for all of these posts I wouldn’t end up publishing any of this content today. But right now the words are flowing.

So what are some unnecessary steps that you’re getting caught up on that’s halting all of your momentum?

The good thing is I can always go back and create a graphic later. Or when I’m a billionaire I can hire someone to create that kind of content for me.

I’ve been thinking a lot about “working against the goads”

What in my life is my personality and probably isn’t going to change and I need to accept and work with.

And then what is a character issue that I need to put the hard work in and grow?

Basically the question I’m asking is where am I working against the goads? What in my life am I just making myself miserable trying to change instead of just accepting it and making a strategic adjustment based on that?

Where in life am I trying to be someone I am not.

I wish I had an indestructible self discipline. I however don’t. So in the meantime while I grow in this area, how I can be strategic and still get the results I want out of life?

For right now I just need to get back in the flow and habit of creating content. Putting out there the thoughts that are going through my mind. And I need to on days that I’m feeling inspired create a ton of content and schedule it out so that it appears I’m producing consistent work. It creates a buffer for me when life happens and I’m having trouble making time to sit down and write.

I wonder if this is how other people work too. Batch processing and scheduling. Michael Hyatt said that he mega batches his podcasting. So I guess it is.

I want to create systems for my life that work for me. I can spend time wishing I was different or I can figure out a way to efficiently and effectively work with who I am, scabs, warts, lack of discipline and all.

Do I wish I was more consistent and disciplined and could truly just knuckle down and push through on days I wasn’t feeling it? Yup. But I think that’s working against the goads. And I’ll save that emotional energy not for creating online content, but for being present with my family.

What systems have you found work specifically for you? What have you had to give up on that didn’t fit who you are?

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