You Can Have It All

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I heard this bridge when I was getting out of my car the other night returning from work. I was unloading groceries and this song was drifting across campus when Rachel Morley was leading worship for YWAM Honolulu and it really stood out to me.

All my heart
All my soul
All I own
You can have it all

Let it rise
Like incense
My whole life a fragrance
Every ounce, here broken at your feet

My every breath
Is my offering
My heart cries
Theses lungs sing
Over You
my worthy King of Kings

I’m starting out my Friday with it on repeat.

Why does this song move me? Is it because of the music? Is it because of the lyrics?

If it’s because of the lyrics, am I moved because ultimately I’m singing about what I will do and subconsciously feel good about myself if I’m saying I’m going to lay my life down and that somehow separates and makes me better? Do I really like this bridge because I’m singing about me?

If I’m being honest maybe thats part of it, but I don’t think that’s all. I think there’s more.

I think I feel moved and connect with this song because when we sing about truly laying our lives down we get a glimpse of what we were created for. And we’re connecting with that higher purpose. We’re connecting with what Jesus modeled for us. A sold out life to the Father.

A lot of us are laying our lives down for something. Making huge sacrifices of time, money, health or relationship for whatever we deem worthy. Maybe it’s your job, or the next promotion. Maybe you’re chasing a significant other, or vanity. Or maybe you’re pursuing your own comfort at the cost of your life.

The only thing, that’s truly worth all of our life, is the King of Kings.

Jesus says in Matt 26, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, the story of this anonymous woman’s extravagant worship, breaking an alabaster jar of perfume to wipe Jesus’ feet, will be told.

Jesus says this in the parallel story in Luke 7

“But whoever has been forgiven little loves little”

Maybe the only appropriate response to the good news of Jesus’ Kingdom on earth, and forgiveness is extravagance.

Extravagance looking like

All our heart
All our soul
All we own

What would our lives look like today if Jesus truly had all our heart, soul, love, lives and all we own?

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