05.25.10 – random thoughts all about photography

out and about last week doing some photography with Sam Whittaker and some faux hdr editing

I’m super impressed with WHCC’s customer service. The float wraps I was getting printed didn’t look like they were going to make it here in time before I left, so I’m having them shipped to Maryland. I sent a request in and they were very fast in responding and rerouted them to Maryland for me for a low charge.

Pranee Loffer told me about WHCC and I’m impressed for sure. I’m excited to get the biggest prints I’ve ever had printed. Although maybe we printed 16×24 in SOP? I’m second shooting a wedding with Pranee in July! I’m looking forward to working with her. She’s an inspiration.

I stopped by a photo studio today in the area which will remain unamed. I wanted to check on their print prices. They wouldn’t give them to me. They wanted me to schedule a sitting, which was real cheap. Then once they’ve taken your pictures and those beautiful pictures are staring you in the face they try to sell you on prints afterward. Interesting yet pretty normal tactic.

My thoughts on it is be upfront. I want to charge higher on the sitting fee, you’re really paying for the photographers artistic ability and skill in my opinion. And then mark up prints around 100% not 400% like a place does in this area. Haha should I be revealing all of my business secrets?

I’m also going to take about 8-10 photos and print them from WHCC and then from walmart to show people the difference. It will be very interesting to see the difference for myself as well. That way people don’t think they are being completely ripped off when walmart can sell a 4×6 for 15c and I have to charge $2. At least its not $11.50 for a 4×6 like some places around here… I’m almost positive we’re all printing from the same place.

I ordered a new 43″ white umbrella and shipped it to Maryland. It took a hard fall when I was shooting for the Erretts and never really recovered. I’ve had it for over two years and was like $20 so I guess it doesn’t owe me anything. If you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say umbrella, its a white umbrella that you shoot your flash into or through. You can see a pic of what I’m talking about here.

I’m going to be shooting a bit while I’m in Maryland and looking forward to it. I feel like I know the area a lot better there still and have some locations in mind. Going to be hanging out with Jon Barnes and Cory Pampalone too which are some of my most creative friends, always an inspiration to get around them.

Meh… lots of photo talk in this blog. Photography has been on my brain lately.

JIM baker

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ChrisMay 25, 2010 - 1:47 pm

I’d be interested to see the difference between the prints from those places, as well.

Nice shot above, btw.

jim bakerMay 25, 2010 - 2:31 pm

I’ll make sure to post the results when they come in

joanMay 25, 2010 - 4:04 pm

That’s one cool photo. Like the effect.

The Moldy CannoliMay 28, 2010 - 9:37 am

I am interested in dabbling in photography. What do you suggest as a good first camera???

jim bakerJune 1, 2010 - 11:19 am

@ grandma – thanks!

@moldy. i’ll write a post about how to find a new camera soon, a lot of ppl have been asking. if you need info before that shoot me an e-mail or call.

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