3 Obstacles To Productivity I Face Every Day

temple (1 of 1)Byodo Temple

I want to be a more productive person.  I go through seasons of productivity, and I feel great during those times. Then I go through seasons of not being productive, and well, my mood tanks when I start being unproductive.  Not at all in a work-a-holic sense, but in a healthy, it’s good to produce sense.  Here are 3 productivity and motivational obstacles I face every day.

1.  Negativity

If I don’t get up and start my day right away, I lay in bed and my mind gets negative really fast.  Thoughts go through my mind like “who cares” and “what you do doesn’t matter.”  I’m reading a book right now called The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield which has been really inspirational.  The author calls these negative thoughts “resistance”

2.  Fear

In the few minutes of sitting down to write this post, I’ve almost closed it and deleted it all at least twice.  The first time was when the intro sentences weren’t flowing.  “Forget it… this is a dumb post anyway,” (more negativity) as I went to delete what I had written.  And the second time I was going to scrap this was, when I was writing about point 1, negative thoughts.  I was afraid that if you were reading this you’d interpret it as I was hearing voices or something and think I was weird.  I’m not hearing voices, but I’m going to go out a limb here and guess you experience some of those negative thoughts too.  So I’m kicking fear in the teeth, and I’m going to keep writing.

3.  Distraction

It is easier now than ever to be distracted.  I wonder if Mark Zuckerburg would have created facebook if he had a distraction like facebook?  Or think of any other inventor, imagine if they would have had social media.  Would they have been as productive as they could have been?  Although social media is a part of my job, I can often get trapped into thinking that mindlessly reading my newsfeed is being productive.  Well it’s not, and I need to be more disciplined to be more productive.

Engage:  What keeps you from your productivity potential?  Let us know in the comments.

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Russ BakerJanuary 24, 2014 - 3:31 am

I find myself playing a “few minutes” of games online and then two hours later wonder why I haven’t accomplished anything during the day. Distractions and the easiest thing to do can be cripping.

Russ BakerJanuary 24, 2014 - 9:09 am

I find myself playing a “few minutes” of games online and then two hours later wonder why I haven’t accomplished anything during the day. Distractions and the easiest thing to do can be cripping.

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