5 Things Your Website Should Include [Review]

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5 Things Your Website Should Include

Last Friday I mentioned 3 Free PDF’s that I found and said that I’d be reviewing each one in more depth.

My initial observation about this PDF is Donald Miller is a great author.  He’s encouraging people to have stories as a part of their brand.  These 5 steps were super helpful, I’m not sure I have any of these 5 on my website.  Click here to check out the storyline.com website.  Plug your e-mail into the right hand column second ad to receive this free PDF.

I’ve really resonated with a lot of Don’s books.  I just finished Scary Close: Dropping The Act And Finding True Intimacy.  I’ve read his books at pivotal points in my life and they have always served as sort of a guide.

Donald has started a company called storyline where he helps companies tell their story better.

I found this PDF very helpful and need to implement all of these things on our websites.

  • Your website should include an easy to understand tagline.
  • Your website should include an obvious call to action
  • Your website should visually display the success your client will experience if they use your product of service
  • Your website should break down your products and services into bite-sized categories
  • Your website should be a clear communication of your BrandScript

Brandscript is a tool that Donald and his team have developed to help your company tell your story better.  I took some time and put some of the ideas in my head through the brand script.  The brandscript helped me clarify exactly WHAT I’m trying to do.  When I know what I’m trying to do, I can communicate that better to others.

It’s hard to have an easy to understand tagline, when you don’t really know what you’re trying to accomplish.  This PDF helped bring CLARITY to blurry areas of my life and seperate the overlap.  Taking the time to do this helped me articulate each of my ideas better.

I won’t spoil what the brandscript is I’ll let you go download the PDF and find out for yourself.

Did you download it?  Do you have other free resources you would suggest?  Let us know in the comments.

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