November 2014 Garden Update

IMG 4638 from Jim and Jess Baker on Vimeo.

Hey everyone, here’s Novembers garden update.

I need to buy some more 5 gallon buckets.  And some more potting soil.  I’d love to have a plot of land that I knew was going to be mine so I could start a real garden but such is the mobile nomadic missionary life.

I also need to desperately take care of my compost pile.

I’m going to get some mint soon, and I just put in an order of seeds for cabbage (homemade kimchi here I come!) and baby tomatoes.  I’m excited about the baby tomatoes because nothing I’m growing has been bearing much fruit.  I’m hoping that the baby tomatoes will do the trick.  Gardening sure takes PATIENCE.  Bearing fruit is hard work and time consuming.  You’d think it’d be the natural progression of things over time, but if the circumstances aren’t real good than you’re not bearing much fruit.  (There’s a sermon in there somewhere)

I’m learning a lot, diagonal planting which has been much better than my just sow and let grow.  And hopefully one vining a tomato plant will pay off.  We’ll see what happens.

I’m excited that the basil and manoa lettuce are from seeds that I’ve kept.

Since it’s winter everything is getting a lot less sun.  I asked to cut back the hedges behind our house so that my garden could get more sun but it’s a no go because its a sound barrier between us and the neighbors.

I’m looking to expand my aquaponics systems with some raft beds, I’ll put them where everything is in pots right now so it will get more sun.  We’ll see what happens.

– Farmer Jim

Did you can anything from your garden that you’re enjoying now?

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JuliaNovember 6, 2014 - 6:25 am

What an awesome garden! I wonder how long it will take for the Papaya and Avocado plants to bear fruit. My sisters and I grew Basil one time, but after one fruitful harvest, it stopped growing. =/ Yours looks like you can make a legit batch of pesto. I love how you have Kale growing when you didn’t even remember planting it. I shall seek your wisdom when I plant my own garden one day.

Jim BakerNovember 7, 2014 - 12:05 pm

thanks for reading and commenting. I’m learning as I go. I think the papaya will fruit before the avocado, i don’t know what I”m going to do with the avo plant, I don’t think thats the type of thing you can put in a 5 gallon bucket haha

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