11.12.09 – history, how is the story being told?

a gift from jon barnes, he thought it was cool to own something that was made in the 1800s. I took pictures of it to show texture by using off camera lighting.

The words in the pictures of the book have nothing to do with the topic of this blog. I’m sitting in the back of our Thursday night service listening to Mike Rohlin teach about the history of thanksgiving. History is cool, I wish I would have paid more attention to it in school. There is such a need for TRUTH in our history. For some reason I combined thanksgiving and the pilgrams with Columbus even though it was 2 centuries apart. I’m glad I came out tonite to hear Mike teach.

I went and taught at IMPACT today at Southwestern High School, a group of ninth and tenth graders get together during the lunch period with some local youth pastors. We did some worship and then I just brought a simple message of God’s love to them.

When I checked in at the school the secretary asked me if I was just in the paper.

The church submitted a press release that Jess actually wrote originally, to the two local papers, its interesting to me how they were edited.

Jamestown’s paper.
Warren’s paper.

The original can be seen on our church’s website.

I always thought if you wrote one number you wrote the other… I guess not…

Jess left for NYC today… its our first time apart for this long. She will return tuesday night.

JIM baker

CherylNovember 12, 2009 - 4:46 pm

It was interesting how the Post Journal left out what your desires and passion are for the youth.

jim bakerDecember 27, 2009 - 10:01 pm

its weird cause they are owned by the same company ::shrugg::

11.10.09 – not a whole lot to say

feb 2009 – kailua kona hawaii

so lets hear from you, what is God saying to you through this picture that I took on a morning walk one day, earlier this year in Hawaii? Spend some time and ask God what He wants to speak to you through this picture then share it with us!

To comment click on the upper left hand of this post where it says a number and comment. Then scroll down and type your comment in the comment box. Click on the drop down box that says “comment as” and pick name/url and type in your name and website if you have one (if not leave it blank) and then click continue. Then click post comment.

Looking forward to your responses.
JIM baker

AnonymousNovember 10, 2009 - 2:37 pm

The bulb has water on it, and seems to be drooping. I immediatly looked at this and thought that through the storm, rain, and wind this bulb is still living. God is showing me that even through trial and storms there is still life in Him. He will never let us go and be with us through everything we have to deal with. Praise Him.

AnonymousNovember 10, 2009 - 2:40 pm

When I first saw this picture surprisingly a lot had come to my mind immediately. I saw all my struggles with my with my Christian walk and all the how hard it has been over the past few months. And felt that as soon as I looked at the picture that God was somehow telling me he has been there for it all and I haven’t been alone. Awesome Picture.

AnonymousNovember 10, 2009 - 3:43 pm

Never done this before…but it was so strange what I saw. I felt God telling me to make sure and take time to rest my mind, body and spirit and always be prepared for battle. Always!

AnonymousNovember 10, 2009 - 5:14 pm

I may struggle and fight to break from the cocoon I feel that I am in and I can not bloom until God has fully prepared me to do so. But in this current state, there is still beauty, a since of softness yet a struggle within to be free. But, as God feeds us with his love and His tears when we want to give up, there will be that day when I will bloom to the full beauty He has intended for me. A beauty that will glorify His overwhelming love, a beauty he will use so others will since His presence and see His face.
Awesome picture, Aloha…

LisaNovember 11, 2009 - 9:54 am

My first thought was that God can make beauty from pain and tears.

AnonymousNovember 11, 2009 - 9:55 am

This is an exercise that I haven’t done in a while… sitting and just listening. Good job Jim.

Calm surrender. I am identifying a calm surrender to what it is that God wants.

AnonymousNovember 11, 2009 - 1:04 pm

even though we feel like life beats us down and wears us out.. God is there to softly wash away out hurts and bring life and color to the areas where we have struggled and turn them around to help someone else that may be in the same position we once were.

Donna A.November 11, 2009 - 3:33 pm

Here’s my profound response…. wish I was in Hawaii!!

markandjeanetteNovember 11, 2009 - 5:10 pm

the word soaking came to mind. a flower soaks up water as we should soak up the word and spirit of God. we should be so saturated with him that it pours our of us.

jim bakerDecember 27, 2009 - 10:01 pm

these are awesome responses, we’ll have to do this again soon

11.08.09 – more on boredom and a not so boring conversations with my wife

one of my 365’s while I was in Kona

I woke up today after my ritual sunday afternoon nap and just found myself bored. I found it ironic since I’ve been writing a bit about boredom lately. Justin posted a comment on one of the last posts saying boredom is an inability to rest. My boredom today was rooted in that very thing, I felt like I needed to be doing something, but had no desire to do what I needed to do. But there was an internal struggle because I felt like I needed to be doing something.

My wife and I had an awesome conversation tonight about literature. My wife is an english major and she’s reading a book right now and I asked her how it was. She dived into an answer that I didn’t expect, she started talking about the narrative voice and how its written differently. These are things I would never even consider.

I asked what she thought about some authors that we both know Francine Rivers and Donald Miller, she talked about them as writers and it moved us into a discussion about poetry. She showed me a paper she wrote in college which dissected a Emily Dickinson poem. She handed me the poem first and told me that I had to read it. I glanced over the poem and thought to myself well that’s nice. And then I read her paper, and a whole new world opened up because she pointed out things that I didn’t even know to look for.

It made me marvel a bit at the intention of a few words. That the author took the time to say so much with so little. Intentional. Being intentional takes time, it takes rest, it takes processing. Maybe it even takes being bored from time to time. I want to get back to a place where I live intentionally and take things in and processing them. I want to walk through life not run.

JIM baker

11.06.09 – I LOVE Indian food

indian food from house of india in columbia md

Not the prettiest pic at all, but it is my most viewed picture on flickr.

Tonite Jess and I are going to Buffalo to meet up with some of her friends from Rochester. We’re going to try out Taste of India and I’m really excited because I absolutely LOVE Indian food.

The nearest Indian restaurant for us is all the way in Erie, its called Raj Mahal. It’s worth the drive though.

In Columbia MD there is a new Indian restaurant that opened and the owner knows Jess and I because when we were there this summer we went there three days in a row. Last week we were in MD and Dave the owner greeted us and said that he hadn’t seen us in a while. It’s called India Delight.

Anyway my favorite dish is chicken tikka masala.

Got thoughts on Indian food? Leave em in the comment section!

JIM baker

Jeremiah and AmyNovember 6, 2009 - 7:56 pm

I love Chicken Tikka masala. I will send you a great recipe that Jeremiah and I use. You will love it!

jim bakerNovember 7, 2009 - 3:04 am

send it our way! i’m looking forward to it!

LisaNovember 9, 2009 - 5:26 am

we almost got Indian food when I was in Rochester, but they didn’t have buffet on Sat night and the people we were with couldn’t afford full, highly priced meals. but it’s fun. last time i went i was with Sam, my friend from India, and he told me what was what and talked with the people who owned the place. Good times.

jim bakerNovember 9, 2009 - 9:09 am

indian food is the best! i wonder how the indian food we eat here compares to the indian food in india. cause i spent some time in china and nothing was like american chinese food.

11.05.09 – serve the thing that shines

teapot 2007

I have the privilege of joining up with some of the other warren PA youth pastors for breakfast every first wednesday of the month at the plaza restaurant. The waitresses know the group well since they’ve been meeting for something like ten years, and the waitresses love spilling coffee all over the table when they pour it. But they keep your cup filled, I think I’m still awake now at almost 2am because of it.

Anyway I shared about what I wrote in my last post about my students being bored and Pastor J pointed out that the students we work with are so used to effortlessly being spoon fed new things every two seconds, if things aren’t new, or it takes effort it automatically become boring. Hmm…

Jon Barnes, a former Maryland youth pastor and personal mentor, talked about this negative effect of modern technology which inspired a blog that I posted somewhere else probably a couple years ago. I might repost it here if someone asks nicely.

I’m not really saying anything here, I guess I’m just asking how do we engage and teach in this culture?

I don’t think its an age thing, I think its an effect of microwaves and high speed internet which feeds our instant gratification and need for new. I find myself right now really bored with something trivial like my profile picture. I think I had more of a variety of pictures when I used to 365.

Anyway, not sure if this makes sense its 2am I need to go to sleep. Got thoughts on this? Leave em in the comment section.
JIM baker

Donna ANovember 5, 2009 - 4:39 am

Hmmm… I agree with Pastor J about the whole “new” thing. Our kids seem addicted to constant stimulation. Ask any teacher who works with children on a regular basis about the truth of this. I’ve always hated the words “I’m bored,” because I think it’s a reflection more of an internal attitude/state of mind/inability to use creative imagination, than it is an actual external reality. I remember when D & T & Z first came to live with us, they had been so used to sitting in front of the TV that they literally had no idea how to PLAY. Creative thinking and using their imagination were absolutely foreign to them. It was a real eye-opener. How much are we encouraging our children to take personal responsibility for how they THINK… and therefore for their own responses… have I worn out that soap box yet??!
On the other hand, here’s another thought. I wish I had my kids’ energy! Teens, in particular, need LOTS of physical activity. Most of our kids are required to sit for long periods of time in school and the last thing that they want/need is to sit for long periods of time at church. I know my boys actually think/respond better when they have some outlet physically. Thinking/talking/responding/praying needs to happen in an atmosphere where there’s plenty of opportunity for movement.
Lord, help us by Your Spirit to effectively “jump-start” the creative thought-juices in our kids so that they can begin to grasp Your awesomeness. Show us how to engage them mentally, emotionally, and physically. Holy Spirit… hound em till their defenses are completely defenseless!! Empower Jim & Jess, others who work with the youth, us as parents.. with supernatural insight and wisdom that reaches out to grab our kids where they live. Teach us how to fight on their behalf!!
OK, OK, I’ll shut up now. Love you guys!!

jim bakerNovember 5, 2009 - 5:43 am

yes and amen!!!

JustinNovember 5, 2009 - 10:34 am

I doubt that you’ll find a legitimate way around it. Young people use the word “bored” because they don’t know what it is to rest. I know that I didn’t learn the principles of rest until we were in SBS.

During DTS I came to Kona and couldn’t figure out why people enjoyed JUST laying on the beach. It was beyond my reach to understand. Though after I left DTS and went back to “normal life” I found that I became entrenched in normal life. I had a full time job, school, part-time job, I volunteered at church, and all of a sudden I found that I had no time to be bored, no time to rest, and it began to wear on me… then we took SBS in Hawaii again.

I learned, then, that I loved rest. Very rarely in my busy life do I find that I am bored. Being boed means that I don’t know how to take down time. Now this principle of rest might be too far out there for a teen who wants to keep going, going, going to the next thing… but I understand it now.

People are very rarely bored; they just don’t know how to rest.

Now that I went off on that tangent, Jim, I’ll go back to answer the question: how do we engage and teach in this culture?

Pander to your audience. Go to where they are. Draw them out. Be relevant to where they are. If you have to jump through hoops to get them to hear you … do that. Use tools to effectively engage them whilst they are in your charge. What’s the end goal? :)

jim bakerNovember 6, 2009 - 5:34 am

rest is something that we have no clue about. we equate busyness with productivity, and how often do we find ourselves doing a lot, but really doing very little.

I met with a pastor in town yesterday that is the director of a large ministry and we are going to every month go and serve that ministry every month by sorting clothes and cleaning…

chrisNovember 7, 2009 - 5:04 am

Honestly, I think this is what you’re kids are after… to do these kinds of things that Jesus did…


jim bakerNovember 8, 2009 - 2:52 pm

that link is AMAZING! Bill Johnson (the pastor of that church) shared that testimony at the conference we were just at.

11.03.09 – boring christianity

Model – Sophia Dorozio – Kona Hawaii 2008

Last night we were reviewing what Corey had talked about the week before at Higher Calling. Cages that hold us back from what the Holy Spirit wants to do.

One of our students said something to the effect of

“I think we’re just bored with the stagnant routine.”

I asked them to be honest and raise their hand if they were bored with their Christian walk. Almost every hand was raised.

I asked them if they thought the early church was bored.

They snickered and said no way, they were like healing people and stuff…

Maybe its good that our youth have gotten bored with stagnant Christianity.

One of the biggest things I took away from the conference we just went to is this…

Rivers FLOW and if water is just being poured in and its not flowing out then it becomes dead and stagnant.

What if when Jesus said “ALL authority has been given to me…therefore go…” He really meant it… and we were really suppose to live that way.

Bill Johnson said this at the conference…

“Its hard to have the fruit of the early church when we honor a book they did not have more than the holy spirit which they fully relied on “

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
JIM baker

J.November 3, 2009 - 6:31 pm

Hmmm… the quote made my brain hurt (that’s a good thing). Shouldn’t the book be the evidential accountability by which we confirm the work of the Spirit? I get it though… honoring the Spirit did precede the writing of the book! I’m up to my ears turned off by this quote, “I only preach the Bible”. I find that so interesting when Paul did a lot of Holy Spirit led topical, lifestyle, and worldview teaching that later became part of the Bible. I think Biblical consistency and accountability is necessary though, otherwise a lot of kooky bugs start cults! I’m getting bored with my comment!

JohnNovember 3, 2009 - 6:40 pm

One thing to note.. They didn’t have the “book” but they had the Apostles themelves, and the letters themselves. All the “book” is, is those letters bound in one place. And we don’t have the Apostles. Basically we are the church in Corinth, the church in Rome, the church in Ephesus… No difference other than the span of time and no chance of an apostle dropping by for a visit one day.

JStanfordNovember 4, 2009 - 1:49 am

Great post, the quote about a river flowing is really good.

A lot to think and pray about. May our faith not grow stagnant!

jim bakerNovember 4, 2009 - 2:05 am

@ J – absolutely, we do not negate the word of God, but I often totally agree with Bill Johnson that we become so proud of our biblical knowledge, we become proud of theological facts that we know, instead of realizing its about a relationship… I don’t pride myself in knowing facts about my wife, but because I’m in a good relationship with her, i know past just knowing on a head level what is on her heart

@John – I’m not really firm on my NT timeline I would have to go back and look at my notes, but in the book of acts an explosion of growth was happening with signs and wonders when the holy spirit came, the early church, this was before paul came on the scene and wrote most of the NT. The holy spirit was given as a teacher (John 14:26) that will teach us ALL things

@ Jeff – thanks man… think on it, pray on it, ACT on it, live it. Your life has always been an encouragement to me.

Hannah BNovember 4, 2009 - 5:48 am

Dude!!! I was so struck by those words Bill Johnson spoke, and could not for my life recall the exact words! Thanks so much! I’ve told at least 5 others about what he said, but couldn’t really say it properly, haha! I 100% agree with this post!

jim bakerNovember 4, 2009 - 6:12 pm

Hannah, its good to take notes πŸ˜‰

I posted on the last blog you commented on the notes I had for Heidi Baker

11.03.09 – wow november is here… and my car is dead, but jansport is amazing!

So… we got the official verdict on the car today… “Play taps” said Brian Adelgren when I asked him how the car was… the whole lower part of the engine is gone and its not worth replacing. Not sure what we’re going to do, just trusting God. I am very grateful to the Paterni family who gave me this car in April of this year. In 7 months Jess and I put 30,000 miles on it.

In other news… JANSPORT is AMAZING. I remember buying a jansport backpack because my sister had one when we were both in school. I remembered her saying it was an awesome deal because it had a lifetime warranty even though it was more expensive than other backpacks. Well this backpack has been EVERYWHERE with me but the zipper broke recently so I decided to take them up on their lifetime warranty. I mailed it in and it came back with a new BUFF zipper, you can see in comparison to the other zipper on the backpack. I just love companies that really take care of you.

JIM baker
Uncle DanNovember 5, 2009 - 7:06 am

What about swapping a used engine into your car. The body looks great in the pic.

Uncle DanNovember 5, 2009 - 7:07 am

WOW! It work finally!

jim bakerDecember 27, 2009 - 10:03 pm

nice… what’d you do to get it to comment? the cars still just sitting in my mechanics parking lot… deader than a doornail.

10.31.09 – last year at this time… and friends

oct 31 2008 – kailua kona, hawaii

Last year Sandi Walrod and Jess (then) Stiles (now BAKER) came dressed to the Hallelujah party at my apartment in Kona as me. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. πŸ˜‰

Crazy that a year later we’re all still hanging out only this time in Baltimore MD for the VOA conference, luckily neither of them are dressed as me. (At least I don’t think Sandi is πŸ˜‰ she’s at the conference today, Jess and I took the day off)

It has been GREAT to run into some friends at this conference. Friday night I ran into three friends Augustine and Sarah Park and Hannah Brogi. I met them in Comitan, Mexico on a missions trip. There I saw the greatest outpouring of the holy spirit that I have seen to this day during a worship service.

We also ran into Jared and Brianne Miller too. Jared is the brother of my good friend Mark’s wife Jeanette. He and his family are just pursuing revival in their home town by being intentional with the people in their neighborhood. They are partnering with other local churches in the area and they said that they have seen God do the most in the liquor store on the corner.

I think I realized that I’ve hit my traveling quota for right now. Jared asked me how far I lived from here at lunch yesterday and I just stared at him blankly and could not figure out where I was.

Tomorrow we are back to NY with the help of a lot of good people.
JIM baker

p.s the new Cory Asbury album is epic, i’ve been listening to it over and over again all night.

Hannah BNovember 1, 2009 - 11:49 am

Was great seeing you guys on Wednesday! Can you post about the different messages? Esp. Heidi Baker!!!

I’ve been listening to Cory Asbury lots too! He’s awesome.

jim bakerNovember 3, 2009 - 10:22 am

hey it was great to see you too, we’ll be back around thanksgiving… if you wanna connect lemme know.

Heidi Baker looked at the book of Ephesians and here are some of the highlights.

You can do nothing with out christ or the body
it makes God happy when we act like sons and daughters
We need an understanding of humility and authority
Never budget God, He is extravagantly lavish
The only way you will do what God wants you to do is to be filled with the Holy Spirit
We need radical trust
If you don’t believe who you are you will never fulfil your destiny

10.29.09 – adventures on the road and VOA

changing spark plugs

So about 4 hours into our trip to baltimore Jess turns down the radio and asks “whats that noise?” and I hear a loud clicking from the engine… we pull up to the toll booth pay the toll and the car stalls out. I start it back up and get off of the exit and pull into a parking lot in time for it to stall out again. Real long story short, got towed, guy wanted $187 for a tune up, called Brian Adelgren, he told me that was a rip off, the Walrod family came to our rescue (they were headed to baltimore from jamestown NY too and were about an hour behind us) we picked up the parts on our own and Tim Lease walked me through how to do it over the phone. Car still didn’t work correctly so I left it sitting at a gas station in Breezewood PA right off of the turnpike.

my spark plug changing friends
(Jess, Bob, Linda, and Sandi)

I am seriously surrounded by the most GENEROUS and AMAZING friends ever. The Walrods rerouted to come pick us up and Bob paid for the parts that I needed. Tim Lease took the time to walk me through how to change my spark plugs over the phone. My parents are driving us to Heidi Fraisers house and then she is going to drive Jess and I back to Breezewood on Sunday and Nate Adelgren is going to drive 4 hours from Jamestown to Breezewood and drive us back to Jamestown with our car.

worship last night at Voice of the Apostles

We are here in Baltimore for the Voice of The Apostles Conference. We have seen hundreds of people receive physical healings, hearing testimonies of creative miracles and metal in peoples bodies dissolving. Major things, minor things all being healed in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have sat under some of the most amazing teaching from modern day apostles like Bill Johnson, Che Ahn and John Arnott. It’s been a blessing to be at this conference. Heidi Baker is speaking tomorrow.

God’s GOOD.
JIM baker

LisaOctober 29, 2009 - 4:57 pm

God is so cool sometimes. And maybe you shouldn’t have turned the radio down. We took Dad’s truck down to get my wallet, drove it home, and then once we got in the driveway, and turned the music down, and we heard this scraping noise. so i figured it was just a tree branch from driving in the woods, but there’s nothing there, so we took it to get checked out tonight. Anyway, glad to hear things are working out. I was praying for you guys this afternoon, just praying that all would be worked out for God’s glory, no matter what that may be. Maybe they’ll be some crazy cool connection. God’s amazing, nonetheless.

Lisa StantonOctober 29, 2009 - 4:59 pm

Haha….that’s my fam…having a good time as always! can’t wait to hear about the conference!

Jamie RainwaterOctober 30, 2009 - 2:46 pm

Jim…that’s awesome…I’m so proud of you for working on your car…you look great with a little grease on your hands…

10.27.09 – AFRICA!!!

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” – Romans 10:14-15

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27

My heart is pounding with excitement and I have a huge smile on my face as I write this post. Jess and I are headed back overseas for a 10 day trip to KENYA!

We will be in Kenya late January early February. It seems like forever ago that I’ve done any international missions work. And this will be our first international trip as a married couple!

I have been asked to go and do portraits for some of the orphans at an orphanage in hopes of getting them furthered sponsorship. I’m excited to do something so significant with my photography.

Jess and I along with two other adults from our church, and two of our students from the youth group will be teaching english and the bible to students in the Msomi Academy.

Please click here to find out more about where we will be working!

JIM baker

If you are interested in supporting this trip financially or through prayer please contact us! jim@worshipplace.org