Two Responses To Stress


I looked through my IG account today just to see which posts were doing better than others.

Pretty photos do the best. Makes sense since IG is really a photo sharing app. So I guess I gotta get out there and take more pretty pictures.

This is the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

I prayed or someone this evening and as I prayed I felt God wanting to bring clarity to something.

Stress is real, and everyone experiences it. And there are two different responses.

1. Draw good boundaries and say no to unhealthy stress

2. Don’t shy away from healthy stress (hardship) and be all in, advance move forward, fight it head on.

The problem lies in the indecision of dealing with that stress. We need clarity to swiftly say no and draw a healthy boundary to unhealthy stress.

Or we need to quickly and decisively jump all in and not shrink back.

So which is it?

Name your stress specifically. And tell me if you need to say no and draw a boundary or truly commit and take action and be all in.

Then do it.

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