Brave Surrender

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I wouldn’t call @kimwalkersmith R&B (amazon says its the top r&b biography) but I’ve never been so excited to drive an hour to work and scrub toilets while listening to this book.

on Amazon –>

I remember having How He Loves on REPEAT and when Kim starts talking in the middle of that song about truly encountering the love of God. Man. I want and need more of that today. (

Or her tune “I surrender” and the spontaneous song after that. Honestly still my number one song for me and Jesus. (

Get blasted today by our God who is alive and is actively madly in love with you.

Last week I read @brianjohnsonm book “When God Becomes Real” ( and was glad there is no one on the construction site as I clean since I ugly wept through that entire book.

@bethelmusic has blessed my life and continually points me toward deepening my relationship with Jesus through intimacy and finding my rest in His manifest presence.

Invest in future self today. Read a book and get inspired and equipped for the call God has on your life. If you need a list of good reads comment and I’ll recommend one for you. :)

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