How To Win At Life

winningThe people who learn to work hard AND enjoy it are winning over the complainers every single time.

If we sit around and complain about what we have to do, what we need to do and even what we want to do, we’re not making things easier on ourselves.

The people that are winning at life are the ones who get necessary things done immediately.

They don’t hesitate or procrastinate, they take massive action (to borrow Grant Cardones phrase) and intentionally choose to enjoy the process.

After they finish what they have to do, they immerse themselves in what they’ve already figured out actually refreshes them, instead of continuing to complain about and rehash the hard things.

Jim Rohn said something like “When you’re at work, work. When you’re at play. Play. Don’t think about vacation when you’re at work, if you do you’ll certainly be thinking about work when you’re on vacation.”

Jim Rohn also talks about the huge difference between resting because you’ve done all you know you can and are capable of doing and “resting” that is really withdrawing and hiding. Oof. That’s a hard word.

There is so much out there we can’t control. But we get to control our mindset. Our personal philosophy. We get to control our responses to things. Life isn’t safe, or peachy, or comfortable, or easy all the time. So choose to develop a mindset that maximizes the good.

Put into action plans and systems to tame the chaos. Don’t be victim to recurring events that you know are gonna return.

Rory Vaden talks about working double time part time for full time free time.

Let’s smash the season we are in right now to set up a better future. That way we aren’t complaining about the same things 10 years from now. 😉

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” – Proverbs 22:3

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